Chapter 5: The Concert

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"Hey Kitty," The guy said, it's been almost a week since he joined the school.

Haerin looked up and hummed in question.

"I got 2 Le Serrafim concert tickets but my friend cancelled on me last minute, the concert's tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come? Since you're the closest to me here." He said, showing off his 2 tickets snatched between his index and middle finger.

"No way!" Haerin squealed as she ran towards him and took the tickets out of his hand. "I've been dying to get these, you have no idea!"

The guy smirked, "So you're coming?"

"Of course I'm coming!" replied Haerin as she hugged the guy, before releasing the hug realising that she was hugging her childhood crush.

After school, Haerin hurriedly rushed home and picked out an outfit for tonight.

"Should I wear this?" She asked herself as she picked out a black and white top with a mini-skirt, "Too revealing." She shook her head.

But... do I want his attention? She thought to herself.

That night, they arrived to the venue of the concert, Haerin wore the outfit that she chose, she wanted to impress the guy. Was it possible that she liked him again?

Just then, Danielle appeared, "Didn't know I would see you here Kitty Kang. If I didn't know better I would think you are stalking me."

"Me? Stalking you, you wish." Haerin said.

Danielle's girlfriend then appeared next to her side, much to Haerin's dismay, tucking on her shirt, being yanking her into the venue. Haerin crossed her arms at the sight of the new girl as she jealously chewed her tongue inside her mouth and rolled it left and right as she watch them hold hands and walk inside the concert.

"Was that the bully from school," The guy walked towards Haerin and asked, as he silently wowed himself looking at the outfit Haerin chose, before taking off his jacket and wrapping it around Haerin's waist.

"Too much," He commented.

Haerin blushed when she saw the guy put the jacket around her waist, she could feel his warm hands touching her stomach as he carefully tied the jacket, making sure it wasn't too tight, before they held hands.

They found their seats before finding out that Danielle was sitting right beside them.

"What a coincidence," Haerin muttered, her words were filled with hate as her cute persona disappeared after seeing Danielle, she knew she wasn't going to have a good night with Danielle by her side.

The concert started and everyone was jumping around, excited to finally attend the concert of their favourite idol.

As they were jumping up and down to their favourite group's song, Danielle noticed her girlfriend open her phone, showing her wallpaper of her and... Haerin's date?

"What is that?" Danielle asked, pointing at the photo on her phone.

Quickly, the girl turned off her phone and shook her head, "It's nothing." as her forehead started forming sweat glance, clearly nervous that her "girlfriend" found out something she's not supposed to.

Danielle then tapped on Haerin's shoulders aggressively.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT DANIELLE?" Haerin shouted loudly, partly enraged that she's disturbing her while partly because of her ear-deafening surroundings when her favourite idols are performing on stage and all the fans are going crazy.

Danielle knew Haerin wouldn't believe her if she told her right now, but she needed to inform Haerin quickly before the guy starts manipulating her feelings.

"Thanks for everything," Haerin said, outside of the stadium, standing face-to-face with the guy.

Haerin then kissed him, on the lips,  it was a long time when she felt the same sensation, it reminded her of her kiss with Minji. Something seem to electrify through her body as the guy deepened the kiss, tugging on Haerin's waist as he pulled her closer. His mouth twitched to a smirk, a malicious one, unknown to Haerin.

As Haerin pulled away, she blushed shades of pink as her face became as red as a tomato as she quickly bid farewell and ran away awkwardly.

That night after the concert, Danielle unblocked Haerin.

Danielle texted her: Meet me after school, at the cafe, 3pm. We need to talk.

Haerin saw the text as she wondered what Danielle wanted to talk to her about that was so urgent. But with her seeing Danielle with her girlfriend today in the concert, and with Danielle bullying her recently, she thought seeing Danielle would only made her even more sad, so she decided to ghost her, she wasn't going to show up tomorrow.

Author's Note: Revenge is coming for the guy. Anyways, give me ideas because I don't know how I can stretch this story out to 16 chapters, thanks!

Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it as that would help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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