Chapter 12: I Forgive You

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The next day, both of them kept staring at each other in class awkwardly.

Did they expect the kiss to happen? No. But did they enjoyed it, definitely.

Both of them kept daydreaming about the kiss in class that it was practically impossible to focus on what the teacher was saying.

No! Haerin scolded herself. She planned the breakup with my boyfriend! I hate her! Haerin had to kept on convincing herself to hate Danielle.

"Haerin! Danielle!" The teacher shouted before they both snapped out of their daydream.

"Yes?" Danielle and Haerin both questioned, a little embarrassed to be caught.

"Pay attention okay, this is important, it'll come up in your finals," The teacher pointed at the blackboard before continuing on her rant.

After school, they both decided to go somewhere to clear their mind.

It was the park where they would always hang out as friends back when their relationship wasn't weird or hateful like it is now.

Coincidentally, they both ended up seeing each other.

"Ugh," Haerin commented to herself, "I just wanted to get rid of her, now she's here again."

Danielle slowly walked up nervously to Haerin, still feeling awkward about what happened between them yesterday. "Hey Kitty. I see you still remember our place here."

"Hey princess," she muttered with a low voice. "It's a good place. I come here often."

"Can we... can we talk? Without all the screaming and insulting we've been doing recently, I just want to talk to you like last time, when we were friends." Danielle confessed as Haerin patted the patch of grass that was next to her, telling Danielle to sit down.

"I guess things haven't been the same ever since that day at the ice skating ring," Danielle said before stealing a glance at Haerin, who was staring oddly at her. After getting caught admiring Danielle, Haerin looked away surprised and a tint of pink appeared on her face.

"Yea... it has," She replied.

"Remember there?" Danielle said, pointing at the fountain. "When I first met you, my stuffed cat fell into the fountain, and you went in with me to help me look for it."

Haerin chuckled, "Of course, I remember Danielle," reminiscing of her childhood memories with her, "I got scolded by my mum so badly after she found out I jumped into the fountain and got myself all wet."

Danielle smiled as she rubbed the back of her head, "Yea, I remember begging your mum to stop scolding you while you cried your eyes out." Danielle then pointed to the playground near the fountain, "and there... we found a stray dog there and we would visit her every day after kindergarten, we even named it Daerin, after us. Speaking of her, where is she? We haven't visited her ever since Primary 4"

Haerin nodded, before she changed the subject and addressed the elephant in the room, asking, "Danielle... Why are you doing this?"

Danielle looked at Haerin, who looked serious, "Will we ever be the same anymore?"

Haerin shook her head, "Sorry princess, I don't think so."

Danielle sighed, it wasn't the reply she had hoped for but it was the reply she expected.

"Do you forgive me though?" Haerin asked momentarily.

Danielle thought for a while, "I do Haerin. I forgive you."

"So why did you do that? Did you want to get revenge on me?" Haerin asked with teary eyes, clearly she had not gotten over what happened after school on the rooftop today.

"Do what?" Danielle asked, confused.

Haerin stood up, slightly furious and annoyed that Danielle was acting all innocent in front of her when she supposedly knew what she was talking about. "You know, you told your "girlfriend", she said, raising up her fingers, imitating air quotes as she said the words, "to play with my feelings with my..." She stopped herself from saying boyfriend, did he ever fall for her? Was he actually her girlfriend for the past week? She couldn't help but to ponder the question but the more she wondered, the more amount of tears dripped down her elegant face.

'Haerin, I didn't do anything, I even tried to warn you. That text, the conversation that day...?" Danielle said before Haerin suddenly shot up as she realised that Danielle has been warning her about her boyfriend multiple times but she just chose not to trust her.

"Oh... I'm sorry for... not trusting you when you told me," Haerin stuttered, her cries has stopped now and she had a small smile plastered on her cute visage.

"I forgive you Kitty.  I'm sorry too, for being such a bully. I'm sorry for unleashing my pent-up frustration on you, you know I always care about you right?" Danielle said reassuring.

Haerin nodded, "I shouldn't have used your feelings to get closer to Minji, it was stupid," She said, before pausing, thinking of how Minji is probably over with Hanni right now and her manipulative plan was to vain. "I still care about you too princess," She said, carressing Danielle's hair before her hair slowly cupped her cheeks as Danielle leaned forward to initiate a kiss.

The shock Haerin stared wide-eyededly at their sudden intimacy, before returning the kiss, unlike last time, with more passion.

"I like you," Haerin said mid-kiss, feeling Danielle's smile on her lips while they are kissing and her face becoming hotter and hotter by every contact.

"I know," Danielle smirked and teased Haerin, "I like you too."

They pulled away after what seemed like an eternity.

"Who would've thought after so many years, me and you would share a kiss here." Danielle commented before they admired the setting sun. Their hands slowly inched towards each other as they interlocked their fingers.

The old Danielle was back, the spark in her eyes was reignited again and the charismatic smile returned. She seemed so much happier after that kiss.

"So, do you want to go out on a date with me?" Haerin asked nervously as she looked down, embarrassed. It was out of character for Haerin to initiate something like this, but she knew she wasn't going to waste another chance with Danielle.

Danielle smile at the thought of going on the date with Haerin. She had been longing and dreaming of this moment for ages, literally years. "Tomorrow?"

Haerin chuckled, "Tomorrow sounds good princess." She replied before laying her lips on Danielle's once again.

Author's Note: ETA finally releasing in a few hours! And Newjeans' 1 year anniversary soon! Are you guys happy Daerin finally got together?

Please vote for the story if you enjoyed it as it will really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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