Chapter 9: Rooftop Betrayal

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"You wanted to see me honey?" Haerin said as she galloped over to her boyfriend, who was waiting for her on the rooftop with his hands in his pocket as he stood there coldly.

Haerin noticed Danielle's girlfriend next to him as she looked over in disgust.

"What are you doing here," She judged.

Suddenly, Danielle's girlfriend kissed her boyfriend, right there, in front of her, she couldn't believe her eyes as she started slapping herself and rubbing her eyes just to snap out of this dream.

But it wasn't a dream.

"What... why did you do that?" Haerin asked, with tears forming around her eyes.

"Was that not enough Haerin? Do you need me to show you again?" He shouted angrily as he pursed his lips on Danielle's girlfriend's again.

"Why... I thought... We were dating?" Haerin questioned as all she wanted was to run away into a corner and sob her eyes out. The guy she had fallen for, and wanted to be with all her life, was kissing another girl in front of her eyes while they were together.

"Oh... who would date a dumb girl like you," He smirked as he held the other girl's hand, "Me and her here, we were dating way before I joined this school."

"Then... why did you go out on dates with me and led me on... when you had a girlfriend?" Haerin demanded an answer as her heart ached with pain.

"When I first saw you, I knew the look you had on your face, it just felt good... seeing you get all attached and all pathetic, oh "I love you" here "I love you" there, do you know how cringy and stupid you sound? And with that face," He huffed, "I wonder why so many boys fell for you."

"Told you she'll fall" The guy said as he put his palm out, with the girl slapping a bunch of hundred dollar bills on it.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes playfully as she walked around, seemingly looking for something.

"How did you think I managed to get the tickets to the concert, buy you stuff from Dior, and even pay for that expensive meal I had with you? Did you ever think of that? If it wasn't for my amazing and rich girlfriend here," He pointed at supposedly "Danielle's girlfriend", who was walking back with a broken broomstick in her hand, "I wouldn't have been able to afford those. You were nothing but a toy, an experiment to me Kang Haerin." He smiled deviously after saying those words and seeing the hurt reaction on Haerin's face.

"I didn't even like you anyways! I was only waiting for..." Haerin blurted out in the heat of the moment before covering her mouth, her cheeks turning pink in the process.

"Were you waiting for Danielle?" The girl smirked, "She's not coming for you honey."

The two couple laughed as the girl pushed Haerin, causing her to fall. They then started to use the broken broomstick as they waved it around her body.

"Let me show you, what stupid girls like you, get for being so naive," as she raised the broomstick, preparing to smash it into Haerin's body which was lying on the hard burning cement floor, weak and helpless.

Suddenly, the door to the rooftop violently banged open as the two people quickly fled the scene, scared a teacher would find them bullying Haerin.

Haerin hurriedly hid in a corner, as she sobbed quietly, not trying to attract any attention. She didn't want anyone to see her crying.

As she silently waited for the footstep to be gone, she tried to piece and process everything that happened just now. Danielle's girlfriend, kissing her boyfriend, it must be part of Danielle's plan to take revenge on her after she used her to go on the date with Minji. Yes, that must be it. Haerin needed every possible reason to blame this on someone right now to comfort herself, and unfortunately, Danielle was the one on the receiving end.

She clenched her fist as she slammed in hard on the cement floor before wincing in pain. Her knuckles turned red instantly, then purple as she used her other hand to wrap around the bruised spot.

The footstep suddenly stopped, without checking, Haerin sobbed her eyes out, unknown to her, someone was watching her from behind.

Author's Note: I felt soo bad for Haerin writing this chapter :( DON'T WORRY HAERIN I'M HERE! But Daerin is sailing soon :D

Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it as it would really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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