Chapter 11.Funny moments😋

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Yan Jingjing sat on the stool in a daze, until now she couldn't believe that the stench that made her sick just now was the smell of her own cooking.

Hu Sheng rinsed and rinsed the pot in the kitchen, and finally got rid of a lot of the residual smell.
The porridge in the morning also had a faint smell, and Guo Keyao took it away and threw it away. Originally, she thought that she would not waste food and feed it to chickens and ducks. Yes, but those chickens and ducks don't eat, and there is no other way.

It would be too slow to cook porridge at this point, so Hu Sheng decided to roll some noodles directly.

Just when Hu Sheng was busy and Yan Jingjing was doubting her life ((((;゜Д゜))), someone from the famous fish group on the Dousha forum opened a thread.

{"Have you watched the live broadcast of Life Directly this morning?" I was almost laughed to death hahahaha, it's really wonderful, please be careful when entering traffic warning pictures"}

{Ben cute recently resigned to pick his feet at home, and was forced by his mother to go to bed early and get up early, and was not allowed to go back to sleep o(╥﹏╥)o.}

{This morning, I was called to wake up at six o'clock and had breakfast, and then I was bored, so I turned on the live broadcast of Life Direct, to see if I could peek at my Yao's sleeping face, but I didn't expect to see a miraculous scene, which made me Laugh wildly o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓}

【Motion Picture 1】

At first it was Uncle Zhang who got up and opened the door, feeling something was wrong.

【Motion Picture 2】

Then our brother Ding also got up and exclaimed, "Who's toilet exploded". Have you seen Brother Ding's eyes from confusion to panic? And that "fuck" that was stopped in time, hahaha, baby, I laughed so hard, I didn't expect you to be such a Ji Ding.

【Motion Picture 3】

Then my natal Yao also came out softly, and I was almost vomited [distressed.jpg]

[Motion Picture 4]

Then the well-prepared Qiao Zhuang also came out wearing a three-layer mask. It really was Qiao Zhuang, as calm as you!

【Motion Picture 5】

Finally, there is Hu Sheng, who is still beautiful without makeup even though she is wearing cartoon pajamas. I was still her passer-by before. Ever since I saw her laughing and laughing in the same frame as Yao, I feel like two cute little girls. I love love, not to mention that she has so many skills and cooks so deliciously. , is simply amazing.

【Gift 6】

Everyone who couldn't bear the smell began to look for the source of the smell. At this time, are you guessing like me that it is a spoof by the program group, or there is some mission.

NONONO, neither [Shake index finger.jpg]

[There is only one truth about Conan.jpg] Yan Jingjing is actually cooking!

... (too much content will not take up the word count)

At the beginning of the morning, not many people noticed this post. When it was near noon, the traffic on the forum increased, and this post was also pushed up.

["I missed the live broadcast because I got up late, I hope the program team can cut it when it is edited, I really want to watch it hahahaha."]

["It's just a magical plot. Is it true that someone cooks so badly?"]

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