I have a boyfriend

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university years...
heeseung + jake + sunghoon - 3rd year
sunoo - 2nd year
niki - 1st year
jungwon and jay will appear later ;)

"When is your brother's wedding?" Sunoo groaned, this was the last thing he wanted to talk about. His tone remained bored as he took a sip of his drink, "Next month."

Jake must've not gotten the memo as he continued happily asking questions. "Are you really not going to bring anyone?"

An exaggerated sigh left Sunoos mouth. "I don't know yet"

That was a lie. A very big lie.

Not to be exaggerative, but Sunoo's love life was a mess. Some would even call it a complete disaster. He hasn't been in a relationship since he was 16 (he's currently at the ripe age of 21), and he doesn't even know if that could be counted as a relationship since it only lasted a couple of weeks.

However, just because he hasn't been in a relationship doesn't mean he hasn't had the opportunity to be in one. Many people in his university know about him and have wanted to talk to him in one way or another. He's received many confessions from men and women alike but has never felt a spark with anyone. He's tried hard to develop relationships with some of the people that have confessed to him but it felt practically impossible.

He prides himself on having a good judge of character. Sunoo likes to think that he is being cautious and practical when choosing a partner. He is meticulous with almost everything he does and that includes relationships. He can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them and uses that as an excuse to politely reject many suitors. At least that's what he thinks.

His friends say that he is too picky (which Sunoo heavily disagrees with).

Sunghoon had even told him to stop rejecting people otherwise he'd have no one else left to date. The whole table laughed at the comment but it truly left Sunoo feeling slightly frightened, thinking that it was a possibility.

He genuinely wished he could just go up to his friends and family and say "I have a boyfriend."
Even though he wasn't completely listening to Jake ramble about the wedding, he heard the voice in front of him stop completely. "What? Sunoo what did you just say?"

Sunoo looked at Jake confused. "Huh? I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did. It was quiet but I swear I heard it."
He sat there for a second before letting out a small laugh. "Oh, I have a boyfriend? That was meant to stay in my head." Jake stilled for a second, "Holy shit are you serious?"

Sunoo took one look at Jake's face, making him chuckle. "Oh yeah for sure. He's the hot one over there behind the register." His tone was heavily sarcastic, almost anyone able to sense that he was kidding.

Considering the tone of Sunoo's voice, Jake looked appalled. His head whipped around towards the cafe counter, looking at Sunoo's boyfriend. Jake stared for a couple of seconds before turning to Sunoo, ushering him in closer. Sunoo gave him a puzzled look but did so anyway.

"You're telling me you are dating that hottie behind the counter? You bitch why haven't you told me?!" He shrugged in response causing Jake to glare at him. Sunoo was amused at the reactions Jake was letting out, surprised that he was putting so much effort into this sarcastic joke. "I hought we were friends!"

Sunoo was an instigator. He loved to say things just to get a rise out of people. Even though this trait of his brought some spice into his life, it has also put him in many sour situations.

Sunoo looked at Jake with a boastful look on his face. "Hyung, it's been a long time and you never found out. I thought you were awesome at figuring stuff out?"

Jake was actually awesome at finding out news. He knew so many people around campus and was able to get any information one could ever want. If you gave him 48 hours and a question he would come back to you with a fully detailed answer.

Jake was about to fire back at Sunoo's dig at him, a ringing interrupting him before he could start. Jake looked down at his phone to see that his mom was calling, he immediately picked it up with a smile. "Hi, mom!"

He started packing up his stuff, about to leave until he put his hand on the bottom of the phone, covering the microphone. "Kim Sunoo this talk is not over. Be prepared to be interrogated at lunch."

Jake took his hand off the bottom of the phone, now talking with a much more pleasant tone as he walked away, chatting with his mother.


another story oops

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now