spam call

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Sunoo sat down at their lunch table with a sigh. The two already sat at the table and looked up at him. "Something wrong?"

He looked at Sunghoon and nodded his head. "My head is killing me." Sunoo was majoring in performing arts, specifically vocals so it was normal for his throat to ache, but his head hurt which was never a good sign.

Heeseung scoffed. "I told you not to over-practice because you are going to get sick." Sunoo rolled his eyes as he picked up his chopsticks. "Oh be quiet I don't need you to nag me, you're not my mother."

"We all know this friend group would fall apart if I didn't keep you all in check." Sunghoon started laughing and Sunoo gasped in mock offence. "I'm literally-- hyung stop laughing! That was an insult to you too!"

They all kept bickering until a loud but familiar voice made its way to them. "Sunoo I found your boyfriend!" Sunghoon choked on his food and Heeseung went still. Sunoo's head whipped around to see Jake dragging a poor boy towards their lunch table. Sunoo knew many people were staring at them but couldn't bring himself to care.

Jake made a point of sitting the man right next to Sunoo as he sat across from them with Heeseung and Sunghoon.

"Jake what the fuck are you doing? Why did you bring this random guy here claiming to be Sunoo's boyfriend?" Jake looked at Heeseung offended. "Why are you looking at me like I'm the crazy one? He is his boyfriend!" Jake crossed his arms as he and the two other guys stared at Sunoo and the man next to him.

The man next to Sunoo just sat there looking at this catastrophe unfold.

Sunoo tried to pull himself together. "Hyung why did you-- how did you find him?"

"It's his first day today so he introduced himself as Niki at the start of the class. You didn't tell me his name but I immediately recognized his face and told him to come sit next to me." Apparently, Sunoo must've been scowling at him as he started to defend himself. "Why do you look so angry? I brought your hot barista boyfriend to you to eat lunch with us." Jake shoved his spoon into his rice, annoyed. "If anything you should be thanking me."

As Sunoo was trying to process what was happening, a voice from beside him startled him. "Hot barista boyfriend? That's what you called me?" Sunoo growled, turning his head towards the guy to reprimand him for teasing him but was met with one of the most beautiful guys he's ever seen. Yes, he had seen him from afar, but being this close to him made a world of a difference. Sunoo was never one to back down from an insult but he couldn't find any words in him to strike back with.

"Sunoo, stop ogling at your boyfriend and tell us what's going on." Sunoo shook his head startled as the man beside him let out a laugh. His stupid laugh irked Sunoo. He glared at Niki. "You shut up."

Niki frowned, trying to look hurt, "Wow. Is that how you should be talking to your boyfriend?" Sunoo pressed his lips together, trying to hold back another insult. Fighting with this man would not help him get out of this situation. "Listen you three—"

Before he could come up with an excuse, Niki's phone started to ring. Sunoo will forever love whoever called Niki at that moment. "Baby, your phone is ringing, we have to go." Sunoo could not for the life of him remember the man's name so the endearing name would have to do. Niki noticeably looked thrown off but didn't have any time to question it as Sunoo pulled his arm away from the table, bolting out of the cafeteria.
Once they were far enough away Sunoo let go of Nikis hand. "Aren't you going to answer your phone?"

Niki shook his head, "It was a spam call."

"Oh ok." They both stood there staring at each other before Niki crossed his arms over his chest. "Are you not going to explain what the fuck is going on? On my first day of school, I am bombarded by a random guy and am suddenly in a relationship with someone I've never met before?"

Sunoo could tell Niki was pissed. "Um well... look at the time!" Niki's eyes narrowed as Sunoo awkwardly chuckled. "I have to go--"

"Absolutely not." Niki grabbed Sunoo's arm, pulling him back in front of him. Sunoo gulped, Niki was scary when he was mad. "Meet me at the cafe I work at 4:30, that's when I have my break. You don't show up and I'll embarrass you in front of all your friends."

Niki turned around without another word leaving Sunoo there stunned, he was fucked.

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now