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"Does his boyfriend live on campus or at his-"

"Niki, what do you do for a living?" Everyone's head turned towards Sunoo's mother. Niki could see him grit his teeth in annoyance as he was interrupted, but paid no mind to it and took a bite of his food.

Niki nervously put down his fork. "I'm still in school ma'am."

"What do you want to do then?" Her voice was sharp and steady, her gaze never faltering from Niki. "I um- I want to open up a bakery soon after university after I finish my training."

Her eyes squinted. "What training? Don't you learn enough from school?" Niki tried his best to keep eye contact with her but she was honestly freaking him out. "I got an internship for 2 years with Lee Seungmi."

Niki heard a gasp from across from him. "Lee Seungmi? As in triple Michelin star baker Lee Seungmi?!" Niki nodded sheepishly, "Yes. I applied for a program with her and was one of the three out of thousands of participants chosen." Sunoo's dad sat back in awe, Nikis gaze turning back to Sunoo's mom. She was no longer looking at him with hostility, it turned into a calmer stare. She still wasn't relaxed, but it wasn't as scary as before. "Hm, that's remarkable. You must be very talented."

Niki's gaze was too focused on Sunoo's mother, not seeing the man beside him bitterly shove his fork in his food.

"Thank you so much! It was a lot of work to be considered but I was glad I applied, she is one of my favourite bakers so I was ecstatic when I was picked." She nodded approvingly. "I'm sure you were, it is an honour." She gave him a very small smile, surprising everybody at the table. "You're going to have a successful and stable job when you're older, I'm proud to call you my future son-in-law."

A loud screech of a chair was quickly heard, followed by a sharp smile. "I'm tired, goodnight." Niki quickly looked at the time and then back at Sunoo. "What? You haven't finished eating and it's barely 7 o'clock."

He completely ignores Niki's stare all the way up to his room, angrily shutting the door behind him.

After a beat of silence, Niki awkwardly turns around with an uneasy look on his face. "I'm sorry. I don't know why he stormed out like that." Sunoo's dad looked up the stairs with a sigh, "You can go ahead and check on him." His mother huffed. "I guess that's best, you need to snap him out of that terrible mood. I don't know why he's always like that, he's exhausting." As much as that comment irked Niki, he decided to let it go and rushed up towards Sunoo's room.

Once Niki made it to his room, he knocked softly on the door. "Can I come in?"

Shuffling on the other side was quickly heard. "Whatever."

He took that as a yes, opening and closing the door softly behind him. His eyes searched the room until he found Sunoo under his blankets all cuddled up. Even though his face was opposite the door, Niki could already see the upset look he had on his face. "Are you okay?"

The silence that followed answered Niki's question. He let out a small sigh, walking over to the bed. "Move over." Sunoo groaned. "Why."

"I want to get under the covers too."  Sunoo wordlessly moved over, letting Niki under the blankets. "Come here," Niki opened his arms wide, "Jake said you loved hugs." Sunoo slowly turned his head and stared at Niki before gradually making his way into Niki's arms. As Sunoo's head made its way onto Niki's chest, his arms circled comfortably around Sunoo's waist.

Niki's free hand went up to the crown of Sunoo's head, delicately running his fingers through his hair. Sunoo's tension seemed to slowly dissipate as he melted further into Niki.

"Sorry." Niki didn't quite get what Sunoo said as his voice was muffled against Niki's shirt. "What?"

Sunoo slightly shifted in his hold. "I said I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stormed out like that." Niki's hand momentarily stilled. "Sorry? Please don't apologize, you did nothing wrong."

"I was being stupid by getting jealous of you and my mother. She seemed so happy that you were going to have such a successful career, clearly hinting at her failure of a son." Sunoo's voice suddenly dimmed as he fumbled with the bottom of Niki's shirt. "She seemed like she was more proud of you then she ever was in me."

As Sunoo's eyes started to gloss over Niki hugged him even tighter. "Sunshine, please don't cry." Sunoo wordlessly hugged him back even tighter. "You're not a failure and the fact that she doesn't see how amazing you are is her own fault. You have me, your brothers and your friends who are beyond proud of you, I'll say it everyday if I have too." Sunoo lightly hit Niki's arm. "Shut up. You're too cheesy."

A small smile graced Sunoos face, immediately putting a smile on Niki's face. "Mhm, but you love it." Sunoo rolled his eyes, turning slightly so he could see the tv, but still remained in Niki's hold. "Can we watch a movie?"

Niki slightly adjusted himself so he could see the tv better. "Sure, which one?" Niki grabbed the remote from Sunoo's bedside and started scrolling through disney plus. "I've never seen coco, can we watch that?"

"No. Absolutely not." Sunoo's eyebrows furrowed. "Why? Is it a bad movie?" Niki quickly shook his head, now clicking on the disney princess movie collection. "No, it's actually too good. So good that it makes me cry and I don't want to cry right now." Sunoo laughed softly but didn't question it. "Tangled then?"

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now