don't be boring

753 49 13

Sunoo was at a cafe table, unable to sit still. His knee was bouncing as he was playing with one of the necklaces around his neck. It was 4:45 and he was starting to think that he got stood up. The man made it very clear that he wasn't going to waste time yet Sunoo didn't even see him! He continued to doubt himself until someone slid into the seat in front of him.

"Sorry I had to finish something up in the back."

Niki sat in front of him with a brown apron over a white shirt and black jeans. He was obviously baking something as he had flour all over the front of the apron. He also had a name tag which Sunoo was very thankful for.

"You have 10 minutes to tell me what is going on."

Sunoos eyes widened. "10 minutes?! That's all?"

Niki curtly nodded. "You've already wasted two."
Sunoo tilted his head in annoyance, he was already getting fed up with this guy. However, he really needed his help so he decided to put his pride aside and ask. "I'll do my best to at least convince you to help me. If you do agree we can meet up and I will explain more."

Niki just stared at him, making him assume that it was okay to keep going. "So a couple of days ago me and Jake, the random guy, were sitting at the cafe. The guy talks a lot so I tend to zone out and passively agree with what he says. He's not the most observant person and tends to miss out on social cues so--"

Niki looked at him with a disinterested expression. "I'm sorry, how is this relevant?"

Sunoo scrunched up his face, he was trying so hard to be nice but this man was extremely aggravating. "If you didn't interrupt me you would see why it's relevant."

Sunoo took a breath and continued. "The topic of dating came up and I sarcastically said I had a boyfriend and pointed at the first person I saw, which was you. Now, because Jake sometimes misses social cues, he didn't sense my sarcasm, taking us to the situation we are in now."

Niki slowly nodded, uncrossing his arms and laying them on the table. "You said something about trying to convince me to agree to something? What do you want me to do?"

Sunoo sucked in a breath of air, it was now or never. "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend." Niki's face stayed neutral as he continued. "The reason I mentioned dating was because the topic of my brother's wedding came up and I said that I wanted to bring someone. I was honestly just going to go alone and face the wrath of my family, but now that we are in this situation I thought I could use it to my advantage. You could get something out of it too, I'll honestly do anything. It would also be fun to trick my friends, they deem me to be 'undateable'"

Niki snorted, "I can see why."

Sunoo shot a glare at the man across from him. "You know I'm trying hard to be nice to you right now. You're making it very difficult." Niki shrugged. "You're easy to make fun of."

He ignored that comment and continued, "Well? Are you in or not?"

The time Niki sat there was agonizing. Sunoo inwardly cursed at himself, why did he think that this cocky, stuck-up, egotistical man was going to agree to-

"Give me your phone." Sunoo looked up from the table. "What?" Niki let out a harsh sigh. "Do you want me to help or not? We're running out of time."

The moment Sunoo realized Niki was going to help him his face lit up. He fumbled for his phone, giving it to Niki. After he finished putting his number into Sunoo's phone, he got up, dusting his apron off. "Send me a text to make sure I get it."

Sunoo nodded, opening his phone, making his face go red. "Really?! You had to put a heart?" He kept complaining as he sent the text to Niki.

"Yup. I have a nice name for you too." He turned his phone screen towards Sunoo, laughing at his ears getting red. "We're supposed to be together, aren't we? We can't just call each other by our first names, that's boring." Niki gave him a small smirk before looking down at his phone.

"What's so special about Riki then?" Niki briefly looks up with a smile. "Only my family calls me that, it's like a badge of honour... which you don't technically deserve but whatever." Niki turned around, still looking at his phone.

Sunoo was cursing at Nikis back until he felt his phone vibrate in his hand.

my love
you better not change the contact name

my love
no what is with these names
you are so cheesy

but you love it

my love
fuck off
aren't you supposed to be working?

my break is a half-hour long

my love
I am going to kill you

it's not healthy to lie to yourself Sunoo

my love
i'm older than you

and how do you know that?

my love
you're in a first year class
i'm not stupid

that's debatable

my love
Nishimura Riki

wow the full name I'm so scared

my love
shouldn't you be calling me hyung

you're so funny
that's not happening

my love
and why is that?

I've decided it's part of our agreement
go with it if u want me to help

my love
stop bothering me and go finish your cake

I was actually baking cookies
I can bring you some during lunch tomorrow

my love
no you are not sitting with me at lunch

you can't let your boyfriend eat lunch alone
plus I'm pretty sure that Jake guy will drag me with him anyways

my love
that's true
ew I hate that I'm agreeing with you

the feeling is mutual

my love
i'm done talking with you
i'm leaving

~~stay safe on the road hyung~~ <333 :))) <333

my love
text me like that again and I'll choke you

didn't know you were into that

my love
fuck you

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now