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To say Sunoo was stunned by the house was an understatement, it was huge. "Holy shit." Niki snorted, "I told you it was huge."

Niki pulled Sunoo in further, making it into the living room where many people congregated, dancing away. "I'm going to get drinks, I need something to loosen up." Before Sunoo could protest, Niki rushed off.

While Niki went and got drinks, Sunoo further admired what was going on around him. Most of the people were in the living room dancing while many others were talking (or making out), on the sides of different rooms. He was able to see the kitchen from where he was standing so he made sure to look over at Niki every once in a while.

As Sunoo was looking at what looked like a group of people playing spin the bottle, a conventionally attractive man made his way beside Sunoo, standing uncomfortably close. He smelled like weed and alcohol and was obviously far gone.

Sunoo took a step back quickly, not wanting to be any closer to this creepy man. He turned around, making it seem like he didn't want to talk, but the man didn't get the hint, moving in front of Sunoo. "Hey beautiful, how are you?"

He gave the man a scowl. "Fuck off."

The man whistled which made Sunoos scowl deepen. "You're feisty, you're lucky I already have a boyfriend otherwise I'd be down to hit you." Sunoo let out a breath in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

The man gave him a sleazy smile. "I also have a guy I'm interested in, he's here tonight." Sunoo let out a harsh breath. "I honestly don't care."

The man paid no mind to Sunoo's comment and continued. "You should see him, this guy is a dream, my god. You think he's a sight with his clothes on? Wait until he takes them off." Sunoo's nose crinkled, Niki was right about all these people being sleazeballs. "I invited him tonight so I could see him. I'm going to make sure he stays until most of the people here leave, maybe we can have our alone time." The guy winked making Sunoo pull back a bit, what the fuck was wrong with this guy?

He was ready to make a beeline to the kitchen before the man jerked his head over his shoulder, obviously motioning to someone. "He's walking towards us right now, he couldn't resist me for long could he?" Sunoo had absolutely no interest in this man's love life, but he was hoping to warn this poor guy of all the disgusting things said about him. He reluctantly turned around to see Niki walking towards them. Once his and Nikis eye's meet Niki smiles, until his gaze ventures to the man behind him, making him stop in his tracks.

The man walked over to Niki, Sunoo practically running over to make sure that he got beside Niki before the man. Before he could get a word in, the man had already made his move. "Niki! How are you?" Niki was frozen, his shoulders were tense and his hands were squeezed tightly into fists. Upon Sunoo's realization of this, he took Nikis hand and gave it a small squeeze, helping Niki ease up just a little. "Minjun... hello"

His suspicions of this guy were indeed correct which only made him angrier. Sunoo put his hand out in front of Minjun, "Since we talked a little I think I should introduce myself, I'm Sunoo," Minjun carefully took Sunoo's handshake. "Nikis boyfriend." The harsh squeeze Sunoo gave made him snatch his hand back.

Minjun looked between the two joint hands and his eyes darkened. He instantly looked at Niki. "Boyfriend? Is he serious?" Niki refused to make eye contact but still tried his best to respond in a firm voice. "Yes."

Minjun crossed his arms in front of him, "You never bothered to tell me?" He stepped closer to Niki, making him stumble back. Sunoo's hand moved to Niki's waist, hoping to ground him. "We're not together, I don't have to tell you anything."

Minjun let out a puff of air in disbelief. "Where did you get this confidence from?" Minjun smiled at Niki. "Why don't you just tell me." Minjun reached for Niki's hand but Sunoo pulled them both back. "Don't touch him." Minjun rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Niki, are you going to let your boy toy treat me like this? Unbelievable." Niki's forehead creased, trying not to look affected. "Minjun, please stop. You asked me to come here so I did, stop getting angry with me."

Minjun pinched his nose bridge, looking more and more frustrated. "Niki, don't be like this." Minjun reached for Niki's hand once more before a hand quickly intercepted him. Sunoo's eyes narrowed and his voice dropped. "I said don't touch him." He angrily shoved Minjun's hand out of his grasp, pulling Niki away from the man in front of him.

Once Sunoo made sure they were in a secluded corner of the kitchen, far away from that bastard, he turned to Niki, hand not once leaving his waist. "Are you okay?" Niki glanced at Sunoo before slightly nodding. "I'm okay." He forced a smile on his face. "That was how he usually acted so I'm used to it."

Sunoo just gawked back at Niki. "He usually acts like that? You have got to be kidding me Niki!" Niki's shoulders jumped, startled at Sunoo's sudden outburst. "You should've heard what he said about you! I could've socked him right in the face but I didn't want to cause a scene."

Niki's hand made its way to Sunoo's shoulder giving it a small pat. "Hyung, please take a deep breath you-"

"What a disgusting prick..." Sunoo ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "Men like him deserve to get their dicks cut off and thrown into the sea."

Niki quickly took both of Sunoo's hands in his own. "Hyung, it's okay, I promise."

"Who does he think he is! He doesn't have the right to say that to anyone, let alone my damn boyfriend." Sunoo has never wanted to punch someone more in his life. He thought he'd met the worst of the worst but he was proven wrong tonight.

(The fact that he just willingly called Niki his boyfriend will also be ignored.)

"Hey." Niki lightly tapped his hip, trying to get his attention. "Are you done with your little explosion?"

Sunoo wanted to say more, he wanted to do more but he could tell Niki wanted to leave what happened behind them. And as much as Sunoo wants to beat the absolute shit out of that guy, it isn't necessarily his problem to deal with. "Yes, I'm sorry." Niki shook his head with a chuckle. "It was pretty entertaining to see. The people passing by probably think you're a fool now."

Sunoo scoffed, the Niki he knew was back.

For some reason still unknown to Sunoo, he and Niki were still at the party. If it were up to him they would have been at a diner drinking their weight in milkshakes, but Niki insisted that they stay.

"I'm going to the bathroom, let's go." Sunoo took the hand of a drunk Niki, trying to drag him away from the kitchen.

Niki whined and shimmied out of his grip. "No. I'm fine here." Sunoo had not left Niki's side all night. At first, it was because he wanted to make sure he didn't encounter Minjun again. What a fucking bitch (yes, Sunoo was still not over that). But that worry quickly went away as he saw drunk Niki emerge. The man was a mess for lack of a better word. Sunoo tried to stop him from drinking but every time he turned his back Niki downed another glass. He's taken care of a drunk Sunghoon, but Sunoo is starting to think drunk Niki is worse.

Sunoo pleaded. "Just come with me please." Niki crossed his arms, trying to lean on the counter. "No." He then slipped, Sunoo grabbing his waist to hoist him back up. "I-- fine." Sunoo huffed, drunk Niki was even more stubborn than sober Niki. "But do not move from the kitchen please. And don't do anything stupid, you understand?" After Niki gave him a nod, he turned around and rushed to the bathroom.


the length of each part varies so much I'm sorry 😭😭

the last part was barely 500 words but this one is 1400... oops

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now