stop being picky

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Sunoo stops to think for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts in his head. He had thought about what some of the rules should be, but sitting here in front of Niki made some of them feel stupid. Weirdly enough he didn't feel the need to make a bunch of rules. Even though Niki was aggravating, he knew he wasn't a bad person.

So, after some careful consideration in his brain, he realized that he didn't have many rules at all. "To be honest I'm okay with most things."

Niki looked at him with a bewildered expression. "You went silent for that long just to say that? Are you sure you don't have any boundaries you want to set?" Sunoo shook his head slowly. "Not that I can think of no, I'll tell you if anything comes up though. What about you?"

Niki shrugged his shoulders, "I honestly don't care either, but I don't want to have to kiss you." Nikis face scrunched up at the thought, making Sunoo gasp. "I agree. No way I'm doing that with you." Niki nodded in agreement. "I'm glad we've reached a common ground."

The room went quiet before Niki brought up a very important question. "How did we meet? As far as I'm concerned our lives have not matched up at all." The annoying thing was that Niki was right.

The only thing he thought about were the rules, which were useless as they were fine with almost anything. He did not think this far.

Sunoo didn't know much about the boy but from what he does know, they live their lives very differently. "Can't we say we met at a bar? That is a pretty basic excuse."

Niki shook his head. "No, that doesn't make sense. Why would I be at a bar close to here? My old university is more than an hour away. I'm also assuming that you go clubbing with your friends? Wouldn't it be weird if they didn't even see me with you once? Plus, I hate clubbing. It's too crowded with too many drunk and sweaty people, gross."

Sunoo rolled his eyes. "You're no fun, but if it has to do with proximity, can't you just say we met online?"


He looked at Niki, appalled. "What? Why not?"

Niki just shook his head once again. "That's too cliche. I hate talking to people online."

Sunoo groaned. "You're just being picky now. Niki shrugged. "I'm allowed to be picky, you're the one who wanted this, not me."

Sunoo side-eyed Niki, pissed off that he had a point. "Okay fine! What if... wait what university did you go to before this?" Niki tilted his head at him puzzled, still answering his question. "I went to ENH... why?"

Sunoo's face lit up. "Actually? This is perfect." He sat up straighter, ready to deliver his master story to Niki. "Because I'm a vocal major, we do a lot of performances at other schools. Around two-ish years ago I went there for a competition. We could say we met there and our relationship just fell into place. None of my friends were there either so they can't say I didn't see you."

Niki hummed in agreement. "That is a surprisingly good story. It's not too far-fetched but also not too basic, I like it."

Sunoo let out a small breath of relief, he didn't have another plan. "Now that that's settled, we need a reason for why we kept quiet for so long. I think it's pretty obvious how much I like to talk, so me not saying anything to anyone is pretty hard to believe."

Niki just stared in front of him, looking like he was deep in thought. Sunoo really hoped he was trying to think of something because he was completely out of ideas.

Niki let out a small sigh, reluctantly offering up an idea. "My last relationship didn't end particularly well, we can use that as an excuse." A look of puzzlement crossed Sunoos face. "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Niki was quiet for a moment, appearing to be choosing his words carefully. "He was a jackass... that's all you're getting. When people hear that that's the reason we kept quiet they won't ask more questions." Niki's head slowly turned to Sunoo's direction, giving him an accusing glare. "Most don't like to pry when it's unwanted."

Sunoo's hands went up in defense. "Sorry, I didn't know." Niki raised his hand dismissively. "It's fine, I'd appreciate it if we didn't talk about it anymore." Sunoo nodded in understanding before abruptly standing up. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Water please." Sunoo gave him a thumbs up before scurrying away to the kitchen.

While waiting Niki was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone when he heard the doorbell ring making Sunoo yell from the kitchen. "Can you get that? I had to wash a cup so my hands are all soapy."

Niki nodded and got up before realizing Sunoo couldn't see him. "Sure."

As soon as Niki opens the door he gets bombarded with a hug. "Sunny! I haven't seen you in-" The man abruptly backs up to be met with a very startled Niki. "You are not Sunoo."

Niki laughs awkwardly. "I'm uh- I'm his boyfriend."

Sunoo didn't think asking Niki to get the door would've been very eventful as he assumed it was the package he ordered a couple of days ago. That thought immediately burst when he heard his older brother's voice boom through his apartment. He didn't even bother wiping the water off his hands before rushing to the entrance to see his brother and his fiance, blaring at a confused Niki.

He rushes over to them and pulls Niki back slightly. "Hyung! Soobin hyung! It's so nice to see you two! You guys come in and sit down, I just have to finish something in the kitchen." He gives them a curt smile before walking away, trying to pull Niki with him. The idiot doesn't budge so he has to turn back and look at Niki with what he hopes looks like love and not annoyance. "Love, I need your help in the kitchen."

Something clicked and Niki glanced at Sunoo. "Of course sweetheart, lead the way." They both tried their hardest to not throw up at the nicknames as Sunoo dragged Niki to the kitchen.


I have so much of this written already imma update this quick

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now