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Thursday night eventually came around and Sunoo was getting ready to go to the party with Niki.

Pretending around his friends got easier as the days went on. The group obviously wasn't able to eat lunch together every day. Between clubs, work, other friends and actual classes, they try their best to eat lunch together at least twice a week. But other than the meetups with Sunoos friends, he and Niki didn't talk because they didn't have much else to talk about. But right now they had a lot to talk about, most of it was about the dress code of this party.

my love
niki idk what to wear

what do u mean
just wear wtv

my love
no I cant do that
I have to make sure your ex is jealous of the amazing man you're with now

theres no need
you would be able to beat him any day

my love
niki complimenting me?
I thought id never live to see this day

you'll still have to wait for that day because that wasn't a compliment
even a raccoon could beat that guy so saying you could isn't much of an upgrade

my love
you bitch


my love
just answer my question you fool
what do I wear

wear wtv you want
decide quickly because I'm knocking on your door in 20 minutes

my love
20 minutes?!?!
why are we leaving so early??

It will take us at least 45 minutes to get there
he lives in the area I used to go to school so it's not close

my love
you better not come up here in sweatpants
I can't be seen with someone who shows up to a party looking like that

I'm wearing sweatpants

my love
niki i will forcibly change your pants for you if i have to

I honestly feel like you're being serious
i'll change

Both the boys were now in the car, close to arriving at their destination. "I guess I should give you background info." Sunoo nods and looks at Niki. "That would probably be helpful."

Niki gives him a side glare before going on. "Well, my ex's name is Minjun and his boyfriend's name is Junseo. We're going to the boyfriend's house because he's filthy rich and loves to throw parties." Sunoo nods in understanding as Niki pulls into a driveway to a mansion, a beautiful one he might add.

Once they both got out of the car, Sunoo started walking towards the door before Niki went out to grab his arm. "Hyung, wait." Sunoos head snapped towards Niki, slightly concerned at the sudden use of formality, "Is everything okay?"

Niki slowly retracted his hand, clearing his throat. "Please be careful in there, most of the people here are Minjun's friends and they're all terrible people." Niki looked like he wanted to continue so Sunoo stayed quiet, not wanting to rush anything out of his mouth. "And um... the house is big so don't get lost." His eyes wandered, not making eye contact with Sunoo. "And it's gonna be dark in there, so try not to trip." Sunoo tilted his head at him, but Niki just continued. "And the punch usually runs out quickly so if-"

"Niki are you stalling?" Niki's head shot up, eyes widening in surprise. "Stalling? No, never! Why would I stall? That's ridiculous ahah, I have no reason to be nervous, it's just a party. A fun, silly, little harmless party where-"

"Wow, you do like to ramble." Niki shut up immediately before looking at the ground like a kicked puppy. "Sorry."

Sunoos eyes widened as he shook his head. "Oh no no, I didn't mean it like that. You're rambling is entertaining most of the time, but now is definitely not one of those times." He stepped closer to Niki, speaking in the softest voice he could muster. "It's okay to be nervous, I'm sure seeing those two dickheads isn't the most pleasant thing in the world."

Niki's eyes were trained on the gravel underneath them. "Even though I only recently moved to your school, as soon as... everything happened with my ex and his boyfriend I cut contact with them, meaning I haven't seen them in almost two years, it's kind of scary." Niki tensed up like he just revealed a huge secret and he started to backtrack. "I mean not scary- I am...going in there I—I don't know hyung." Niki's shoulders sagged and Sunoo's heart squeezed.

He had no idea where this sudden need to cheer Niki up came from, but it came on strong. "Hey hey, it's okay. I'm sure losing two very important people in your life at the same time hurt a lot. It's okay to be nervous to see them again, any person would be." Niki stayed quiet for a moment before looking at Sunoo, "Are you sure?"

Sunoo nodded, "Yup, but now you have to turn that feeling into confidence so you can go in there to show off your wonderful boyfriend, and yourself I guess." The last part was mumbled but Niki was still able to hear it, making him chuckle. Sunoo's smile widened. "Laughing is better than frowning, let's go!" He grabbed Niki's hand and confidently strutted up to the door, knocking on it.

A minute or two passed until a taller man opened the door with a smile. "Hello! Come on in." Sunoo looked at Niki for confirmation before walking into the house, closing the door behind them.

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now