we'll be fine

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As soon as they got into the far corner of the room, Sunoo started quietly cursing out the two men in the living room.

Niki just looked at him like he was crazy. "Earth to Sunoo!" He made sure both their voices were hushed so no one else heard them. "Who are those two people!?"

Sunoo groaned, talking abnormally fast. "Listen, all you need to know is that the one who hugged you is my older brother Yeonjun and the other one is his fiance Soobin."

Sunoo started walking before Niki grabbed his wrist. He turned around to see a frozen Niki. "Holy shit are they the ones getting married?" Sunoo nodded annoyed, he thought that was clear. "Sunoo you realize we have to pretend now? We have to sell it hard, this is your family!" As the realization dawned on Sunoo his face fell.


Sunoo looked back at the two making sure they weren't paying attention to them. "Okay well just to let you know I'm very clingy." Nikis eyes furrowed, making Sunoo explain further. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm very touchy with the people I'm close to, meaning that I have to continue this with you. It would be very weird if I didn't act like that with someone I've known for so long, let alone is my boyfriend."

Once Sunoo finished talking he was met with a scowling Niki. "Stop with the grumpy faces and deal with it, you agreed to this." Before Niki was able to respond, he was getting pulled back into the living room.

"Oh, you two are back? You were in there for a while, did something happen?" Yeonjun started wiggling his eyebrows at the two making Niki flush and Sunoo scowl. "Shut up." He and Niki sat down across from the two visitors.

Soobin looked between the two slightly confused, before chuckling. "You two don't have to sit that far apart, we're your family, not a priest."

Sunoo looked at the huge gap between him and Niki. "Sorry, force of habit. We're used to pretending to not be together." Niki put his arms out to Sunoo, smiling at him. "Come here." Sunoo hesitated slightly before moving closer to him, just for Niki to put his arm around his waist and pull him closer.

Sunoo saw the two watching his every move which made him very anxious. It also didn't help that he slowly felt Niki lay his head on his shoulder.

Trying to distract himself from the beautiful boy beside him, he threw his attention to the two people in front of him. "What brings you two here?"

Yeonjun looked at Sunoo in slight offence. "Are you not going to introduce us to your boyfriend?"
Sunoo looks taken aback before looking at Niki. "Um Niki, this is Yeonjun, my older brother and that's Soobin, his fiance."

Soobin gave him a small wave and Yeonjun gave him a huge smile. "Hi Niki, you can call me hyung if you want... You're quite the looker aren't you?" Niki's eyes widened and Sunoo kicked his brother in the shin. "Stop hitting on my boyfriend you ass, you're literally getting married in a couple of weeks."

Yeonjun looked at Soobin, montining to Niki. "Soobin, am I wrong?" Soobin shook his head immediately. "Definitely not, anybody can tell."

Niki shrunk further into Sunoo. "Oh my god you two you're going to scare him away." The couple just started laughing.

"You two didn't answer my question before, why are you two here? Shouldn't you be preparing for the wedding?"

"First of all," Yeonjun sat up straight, putting his hand to his chest. "I am deeply hurt that you aren't excited to see us." Soobin smiled at his fiance, amused. "And second, we did come here to prepare for the wedding. We had to get something for the decorations but they only sold them in this area. We were going to ask you to meet up later but we ran into hoon at the store and he told us about your boyfriend. Which by the way fuck you. I told you about Soobin the day we started dating, but you wait this long?" He crossed his arms slightly offended, looking at the 'couple' in front of him.

Sunoo was going to say something but was interrupted by Niki sitting up straight. "That was actually my fault hyung. My last relationship wasn't the best so I didn't feel comfortable making it public." Yeonjuns hands went to his mouth extremely regretful." Wow, I'm so sorry." Niki starts shaking his hands in front of him. "No no! It's okay, you didn't know." Niki gave him a sweet smile.

Sunoo wanted to stop this interaction before anything got out of hand. He pretended to look at the clock on the wall and let out a gasp. "Niki, didn't you have something to submit tonight? It's getting late."

Niki snapped his head towards Sunoo and it was a big mistake. They were now extremely close, able to feel each other's breath against their lips. Niki was taken aback by the proximity and jumped back slightly making the couple opposite them give him weird looks.

Niki broke the silence by chuckling awkwardly, "Sorry I thought I saw a bug... anyway, hyung, you're right." Niki abruptly stood up, "I have a paper to submit soon so I should probably get to that."

Yeonjun and Soobin gave each other a concerned look before turning their attention back to the two boys. "Is everything okay?"

Sunoo quickly nodded, standing up also while keeping a slight distance between him and Niki. "Yup! We're all good. You guys should go now though, weddings are very important!" Before the couple could respond they were getting pulled up by a frantic Sunoo, getting pushed to the door. "Have a safe trip back, bye!"


After the door closed silence enveloped the apartment. The two boys were standing staring at the door stunned.

Sunoo went and fell face-first on the couch. "Ugh, that was a disaster!" Niki would've usually laughed at his action, but he was too preoccupied with the confusion of the last 20 minutes. "Niki we're done for, screwed, utterly fucked." Sunoo turned around on the couch, putting his hands over his face. "We have to fix this! How are we supposed to pull this off!"

Niki sighed and turned to Sunoo. "Hyung."

Sunoo sat up abruptly. "We were with them for less than 30 minutes and we already crumbled."

Niki started walking over to the couch. "Hyung."

"And now we have to talk to my friends tomorrow?" His head fell into his hands once again. "They're going to laugh at me, I'm going to become the laughing stock of my family and the whole university just-"

"Hyung." Sunoo froze. Not necessarily because of Nikis voice, but because of the gentle hand placed on his thigh. "We're going to be fine. We don't have to eat with your friends for long tomorrow, I can make up an excuse to get us out of lunch if you want?" Niki had no idea where this soft tone came from. "We can go over the story again too if it will make you feel better."

Niki wanted to call Sunoo dramatic for acting like this, but from the look on his face and his slightly shaking shoulders, he realized that this can't just be him overdramatizing, there's something he is genuinely worried about. And even though Niki finds great joy in messing with Sunoo, he's not an asshole.

Sunoo looked at Niki hesitantly. "Are you sure?"

Niki's thumb gently rubbed Sunoos thigh, "Yeah, I'm almost done with my project anyway."


hope you liked the long chapter :))

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now