kiss me

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Niki locked the door, not wanting to be interrupted.

He didn't say anything, he wanted to wait for Sunoo to speak. It was silent as Sunoo held onto the railing for stability, back facing Niki.

A couple minutes passed before Sunoo slowly turned around to Niki and the younger almost started crying at the look on Sunoo's face.

"Niki..." His voice was hushed, the bustling street life below almost making his words indecipherable.

Sunoo sniffled as he felt a rush of emotions crash right into him. "Niki."

Niki's arms were already out as he crashed into the taller, grabbing at his jacket in an attempt to expel the immense sadness that he felt.

The emotions stirring in him finally broke out. His gut wrenching sobs were unrelenting.

The tears of critiques by his god awful mother were crashing down on him. He could feel his shoulders break and his heart constrict.

He's never felt like this and it was only making him more hysterical. How are you supposed to calm down when his throat was closing and his eyes were blurring?

He was a mess. He was a disaster and this breakdown was only proving his mothers point. He was weak, he's unable to take criticism like an adult.

"She hates me." As much as Niki wanted to deny it, he couldn't. They'd both know he was lying. "My own mother fucking hates me!" Her words kept replaying in his head only fueling his onslaught of emotions.

Niki tried his hardest to keep Sunoo from falling to the floor. "Deep breaths, baby." A hand constantly caressed Sunoo's back in an effort to calm him down.

Sunoo's words were hard to decipher between his tears but he didn't care. "I'm a disappointment."

The answer was immediate. Niki didn't even need to think. "No you're not."

As if Sunoo wasn't even listening to Niki, he continued. "I can't stand up to my own mother. I cowered at her comment like a stupid little—"  Niki pulled back, placing gentil hands on Sunoo's cheeks. He had to get this under control before Sunoo started spiraling. "Please breathe."

Sunoo's head shook as his arms crashed back around Niki, if anything was going to calm him down it'll be the feeling of being engulfed in his arms.

Niki hugged him back just as tight, trying his best to keep Sunoo upright.


They now sat down with their backs against the wall, still able to gaze out into the city. The noises of faint thinking and the bustling wedding behind the closed doors were the only source of sound until Sunoo softly broke it.

"I'm sorry I broke down like that." Niki gave his hand a squeeze. "Don't apologize. Your mother, for lack of a better word, was being a bitch." Sunoo wasn't offended in the slightest. If anything the comment lifted his spirits for a second. "No one deserves to be talked to like that."

As if Niki could read his hectic mind, he continued. "For her to not see the effort and care you put into everything you do is her problem, because I guarantee you that everyone sees the absolutely amazing person you are." Niki had always had problems with running his mouth, but truthfully once he started talking he couldn't stop, this situation not being an exception.

"I like you so much and seeing you like this makes my heart drop to my feet."

Once realizing what he just said, he watched Sunoo's face fall.

Obviously distraught, Niki stuttered. "I'm sorry," Niki released the grip he had on Sunoo's hand. "Now is not the time for this, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I—"

"Niki," The delicate hand placed on the younger face pulled him out of whatever tangent he was uttering, their eyes locking once again.

The look on his face was something that Sunoo had never seen. His expression wasn't just sad, the heartbreak was evident in his eyes and the hurt was present in the furrow of his eyebrows and the downturn of his lips.

Sunoo hadn't wanted to do anything more than wipe that expression off his face. "Kiss me."

If the tension wasn't so thick he would've laughed at the dumb expression on Niki's face.

Niki simply blinked. "...what?"

Once the words seemed to slowly set into Niki's brain, Sunoo uttered it once again, desperation more evident in his voice. "Kiss me please.''

The voice was soft, almost illegible, but still Niki heard it loud and clear. "Should I?" Niki tilted his head slightly and Sunoo lightly hit his arm, letting a small laugh out. "Way to ruin the moment, asshole." Niki had obviously gotten a handle of himself.

The fingers that had made their way onto Sunoo's face wiped a small tear. "I got you to laugh, your laugh is very pretty." Sunoo lovingly rolled his eyes.

"You know what is also pretty?" The sparkling eyes on Niki just gave him more reason to be expressing his feelings. "Your eyes," He wipes a tear, "Your nose," He kisses it making Sunoo giggle and Niki barely stops himself from melting into the floor.

"Your lips are very pretty too." His thumb brushes against Sunoo's bottom lip. He heard Niki take a shallow breath, now able to feel it right on his own lips. "I'm going to kiss you now."

Sunoo decided that pressing his lips on Niki's would be the most effective answer, so he did just that.

It caught Niki off guard, but he adapted almost immediately. His lips start moving against Sunoo's hands, only grasping Sunoo's face more securely.

Sunoo realized that for someone who was always so outspoken and active, he kissed slowly, languidly. The feeling was seeping down his chest to his toes, clouding whatever thoughts he had on his mind. He could feel Niki's lips press further into his, only fueling his want for more.

They had to part to catch their breath, foreheads leaving against each others

"So... you like me too?"

Sunoo scoffed. "Idiot." Niki just stared at Sunoo's blushing face, grateful that he was the one making him feel this way. "How could I not like you?"

The hands embracing each other were the only confirmation the two needed.

From now on, Niki made it his mission to show everyone how amazing his boyfriend is.


and we're done!

this took so much longer then it should have but that's fine lmaoo

hope you guys liked it <333
I love you all stay safe and happy

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now