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It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Sunoo was peacefully asleep in his double bed when he heard a loud knock on his door. He thought it was a stupid telemarketer or a package that he could just go pick up later, so tried his best to ignore it. That effort was quickly deemed unuseful as the pounding at his door only got louder.

He angrily got out of his bed in his polar bear pyjama pants and scooby doo t-shirt and stomped his way over to the front. He hastily opened the door just to be face to face with the last person he wanted to see.

Niki looked him up and down and chuckled. "Wow, nice look."

Sunoo didn't even entertain the comment, still leaning on the door. "What do you want? You woke me up."

Niki looked at him astonished. "It's 1 pm right now, why were you still sleeping?" Sunoo waved him off. "I need my beauty sleep. But you're not telling me why you're here so I'm closing the door." Niki put his foot between the door and walked in. Sunoo made a baffled sound. "This isn't your house you know." Niki brushes him off and sits on the couch, ushering Sunoo over so he can explain why he's here.

"So this guy won't stop bothering me until I say yes to something and you weren't answering my texts so I came up here." Sunoo looked at Niki uninterested. "And how is that my problem?"

"I need you to come to a party with me next Thursday." Sunoos sat up straighter at the mention of going to a party, but sank back down, oddly confused. "Don't you hate parties? And who the fuck holds a party on a Thursday?"

Niki let out a harsh sigh, "I do hate parties but I have to go to this one." Sunoo furrows his eyebrows. "Why?"

Niki eyes Sunoo for a second before relaxing further into his seat. "My ex is the one holding this party. Even though we broke up two years ago, he's still obsessed with me even though he has a boyfriend, which was my best friend whom he cheated on me with." Sunoo's jaw dropped. "He was a really shitty person in and out of the relationship so I don't know why I stayed with him for so long. I think I just liked the comfort of being with someone even if they didn't treat me properly. He was an asshole but I thought it was okay because we were together."

Niki was going to continue until he saw the soft look on Sunoo's face, making him snap back to reality. "Um, sorry I tend to ramble..." He fixed his position on the couch and continued. "I usually ignore him but now since we have this arrangement, I thought this could be my chance to use your offer. You said you'd do anything for me if I helped you so... I need you to do this."

Sunoo stared at him for a while before giving him a soft nod. "I'll do it."

Niki scoffed. "I was going to make you do it anyway, thanks for making my life easier." Sunoo just scowled in response. "You don't seem like the petty type." Niki got up, making his way towards the door to put his shoes back on. "Yeah, and you don't seem like the desperate type yet here we are." Niki gave him a teasing smile and left the apartment. And as much as that comment ticked him off, he couldn't disagree.

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now