you're kidding

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Thankfully Sunoo had no classes for the next two days so he was able to completely avoid his friends and their pestering.

He usually met up with them somewhere or went on campus to practice but he didn't want to run into any of them, or anyone for that matter, so having to meet up with Niki today did not make him very happy.

Niki had just sat on the couch beside Sunoo.

"How are we going to do this?" Niki looked up at Sunoo confused. "Do what?"

Sunoo rolls his eyes. "This relationship you idiot." Niki nodded in understanding. "Oh... well, you're the one who thought of this first, start with your rules."

Sunoo nodded as he made himself more comfortable, "Well first of all we have to talk about the most obvious one, we can't fall in love." Niki scoffed. "You're kidding right? That's not going to happen."

He scowled at Niki. "Don't be so sure my love, I'm amazing."

"No, you're insufferable."

Sunoo narrowed his eyes. "And you're a bitch but you don't see me complaining do you?" Niki lifted his hand to his chin, "Well actually you complain quite a lot—"

Sunoo put his hand out in front of Niki. "No stop. We're not going to get anywhere at this rate. We have to come up with a fully convincing story and prove that we're in a long-term relationship."

Niki sighed before an alarmed expression made its way onto his face. "Hold on, what do you mean by long-term relationship? I thought we were going to say that we've been dating for 2 weeks or something."

Sunoo awkwardly laughed. "Hah, well..." Niki crossed his arms, glowering at Sunoo. "How long did you say we were together for?" Sunoo's hand made its way up to his neck, rubbing it apprehensively. "I might've told Jake we've been together for a while."

Niki's angered expression lessened. "That is not that bad, a while could just be a few months." Sunoo slowly lowered his head, unable to look Niki in the eyes. "Kim Sunoo what did you say? I thought you said you haven't talked to your friends since lunch."

Sunoo started playing with his necklace again. "Sunghoon might've caught me on my way to the cafe and tried to interrogate me and I might've blabbed saying we've been together for about a year and a half."

Niki's face turned from slightly annoyed to completely pissed off but Sunoo continued hoping that what he said next would lessen the blow. "But! That's all I said before I managed to get away. He was so surprised to hear how long we've been dating that he didn't even see me sneak off."

Silence followed before Niki's voice rang through Sunoo's ears. "Do you know how much harder this is going to be to pull off? At least if you've only been with someone for a couple of weeks you can chalk off any awkwardness to it being the start of a relationship, but a year and a half? Some people are married by then you idiot!" Sunoo wanted to add something in but Niki cut him off. "This also means that I have to know almost everything about you. I'm going to meet your family, the people who know you best... oh good lord this is going to be a disaster." Niki let out a heavy sigh and his head dropped into his hands.

Sunoo stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, making sure Niki was done with his little explosion. After sensing the coast was clear, he continued. "We have a couple of weeks to get to know each other okay? We'll be fine... I hope."

Sunoo received a smack to the arm. "You hope? I have my pride on the line too you know. I don't really care about you, but I can't make a fool of myself."

Sunoo's feeling of guilt quickly left his body. "That's why you were stressed? Here I was, thinking you actually didn't want to mess this up for me."

Niki blew out a puff of air, leaning back against the couch. "Let's just continue with the list, I have work to do."

"That's fine by me."

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now