《 Chapter 16: Double Trouble 》

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A robot with ears, gloves, and shoes like Sonic steps into a corridor.

"Heads up, furbag!"

It speeds at Sonic and knocks him back.

"Is that a... knockoff me?" Sonic questioned before getting grabbed in the neck by a robot.

"Knockoff? Off, that stings!" the robot said. "From the top of my titanium reinforced head to my industrial-grade tookus!"

It throws Sonic into a ceiling and kicks him off to a ledge. Sonic screams and stands up, holding himself up from falling.

"The name is Chaos Sonic, like regular Sonic but with twice the charm, and none of the failure!"

"Failure? You've got the wrong hedgehog, pal!" Sonic glared.

"Au contraire, blue hair! I know a fox that might disagree with you." Chaos Sonic said.

"Another trap... I knew that fox would set us up!" Knucks glared.

"That's a lie!" Sonic defended. "Where's sis?!"

"Your dear sister is alright, looking... dead tired. And I was not programmed to lie!" Chaos Sonic said before charging at Sonic.

Eggforcers fire on Rebel and Knucks as they dodge the fire shots.

"Looks like your pal..." he groaned. "...set us up!"

"No! Nine wouldn't do that!"

Sonic fights with Chaos Sonic, who throws him. Sonic lands on his feet and Chaos Sonic runs at him and punches. It jumps over a kick and dodges a punch.

"Hi-yah!" Chaos Sonic yelled, kicking Sonic back.

Sonic gets up and headbutts it.

"I've gotta get Nine and sis out of there!"

"Forget that two-timing punk! Get in, get Gwen and the shards, get out! That's it!" Knucks ordered.

"Some of us are fast enough— Ow!"

Chaos Sonic headbutts him back. Sonic holds his head in pain and glares at the robotic version of himself. He blocks a flying kick and a couple of swings. He holds the robot back by grabbing its hands as they struggle to push each other back.

"Wow, looking at you is like looking in a mirror!" Chaos Sonic said and mocked. "Only I'm all sad and pathetic!"

"You're gonna be sad in a minute!"

Sonic headbutts again.

"Come on!"

He flips and sends Chaos Sonic to the ledge. It launches back up and forces Sonic toward the ledge.

"Ugh, I can't take it! You're just so tragic and smelly! Here, let me help."

"Please, stop talking." Sonic groaned out.

Chaos Sonic pushes Sonic off and catches him.

"Gotcha! Saved your life."

It spins and throws him off.

"Woah!" Sonic yelled out.

He falls into a dumpster and Chaos Sonic lands in front and goes to it.

"Have I told you my three-step plan yet?"

Sonic pops his head out, gasping for air until Chaos Sonic jumps on a lid, slamming him back inside.

"Oh, you're gonna love it."

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