Chapter 1

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Harlee POV:

Mal stood holding a lollipop she took from a child as everyone, except for me, laughs stupidly. I rolled my eyes and diverted my attention back to the book I was reading.I felt an arm wrap around me and I side eyed Jay as he nodded forwards. That's when I noticed that Maleficent had arrived with her goons and Mal's stolen lollipop was no longer in her hand.

"There's news! I buried the lead. You five have been chosen to go to a different school" She paused, smiling wickedly in my direction before glancing at my friends. "In Auradon" Jj, Carlos and Evie tried to run away while Maleficent's goons grabbed them. One of the goons tried to grab me but after I shoved an elbow into his stomach and stepped on his foot he backed off.

"What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!" Mal said in distaste.

"And perfect princes" Evie said dreamily.Mal and I stared at her incredulously and the dreamy smile fell from her lips and she curled her lips in mock disgust "Ugh"

"Yeah, and I don't do uniforms. Unless It's leather. You feel me?" Jay smirked, raising his hand for Carlos to high five but was left hanging. I tapped his shoulder and he turned towards me with a curious glance. I raised my hand and he smiled, high fiving me.

"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave" Carlos said nervously.JJ sneaks behind him "WOOF" Carlos jumps and punches Jay.

"Besides, what do they want us there? They didn't seem sad when they booted everyone and damned us all" I spoke, the anger easily easing its way through me.

"Yeah, mom, we're not going" Mal stated decisively after giving me a knowing glance. She knew how angry I was with Auradon,I get it, they were scared for their people but the least they could have done was making sure that we didn't starve. We are their people too.

"Oh, you're thinking small, Pumpkin. It's all about world domination" Maleficent turned "KNUCKLEHEADS!" She yelled and once they were near she sang "Mal" Mal glanced at our other friends and they followed after her, we looked at each other knowingly. Maleficent had an agenda and it seemed we were going to be her new dolls to play with at the moment. While my vk friends talked to their parents I was going to talk to mine.


"You can't be serious" I said in disbelief, looking at my father as he had grown two heads.

"I am. I want you to go to Auradon and enjoy it. You deserve a better life. A chance to be happy" He sat down next to me and pulled me into a side hug as he stroked my hair soothingly. I scoffed.

"Im happy here, with you and my friends" I frowned at him as he shook his red-haired head.

"You're not, you try to be but you're not. You don't enjoy hurting people" I was about to protest when he shushed me " You have done what you needed to, we both have. Now its time you do what you want to do. Imagine the places you'll be able to go, there is so much more to the world and you've only seen the darkest part of it" He paused slightly and then spoke in a teasing tone "Imagine the big libraries" He sang. I smiled before I wiped it off my face and stood up crossing my arms and frowning.

"I can't just leave you here " He shook his head and embraced me, my arms falling to my side.

"You can and you will. I can take care of myself just fine. Please,at least do it for me" I scoffed at his manipulation.

"You're gaslighting me" I complained and I felt him chuckle.

"Is it working?" He questioned in a light tone. I finally returned his hug.

"Unfortunately yes" I mumbled into his chest.He was right after all. I wanted more than just the Isle, I wanted adventure, fun and read as many books that I can come across. I was tired of living in a place where you had to be the worst version of yourself so that people would leave you alone. Maybe it will give me a chance to change the status quo.


Dad and I packed my bags together as we chatted, a welcome distraction considering that we don't know when we will see each other again.

"I swear she was hitting on you!She made the first move" I laughed, remembering when Drizella hitted on my dad when I was 5 years old.

"No she wasn't and no she didn't. I made the first move." He shook his head in denial.

"Oh I most definitely was and you can think that you made the first move but we both know the truth" A woman's voice spoke and we both turned towards it, my dad lighting up instantly. I gave my dad an 'I told you so' look and he rolled his eyes. I noticed Dizzy, my little sister (half if you want to get technical) standing next to her mother.

"Dizzy" She rushed towards me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I can't believe you're leaving" I felt my eyes burning with unleashed tears and I blinked them back.

"I wish I could take you with me" I whispered sadly as I glanced from her to my dad. A statement meant for him as well. She pulled away and shook her head.

"You deserve to go" She said remorsefully.

"So do you" I countered at the girl who was only a few years younger than me,who deserves so much more.

"Maybe this will be the start" She said and her eyes lit up in hopefulness. I nodded, unsure if that's what they have planned. A honk was heard and I took a deep breath. I gave each of them one last hug before heading outside with my bags. There stood a gorgeous black limo and I raised an eyebrow. They have money for this yet can't spend a dime for clean water or healthy food for the Isle. I swallowed my bitterness and handed the dark haired man my bags and I slipped inside the black limo and my friends were already situated.

"So" I started "What's Maleficent's agenda?"

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