Chapter 3

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She grabbed the door handle to the limo and waved a 20 in the drivers face rapidly.

"I'll give you this if you take me to the library" she said as pressed the lock on the car to make sure they wouldn't try to get in. The driver glanced at her, noticing the panic look in her and nodded.

"Are you alright?" Harlee glanced at him in shock before answering.

"Have you ever had to meet twenty-two people at once? All of whom are related to you?"

"Can't say that I have." He chuckled. "But I would have been happy to discover a new family"

"Happy? Don't you mean absolutely panicked?! Not to mention a little betrayed that my father never told me. I don't like people, they are not my specialty. Imagine meeting twenty-two cousins when you dislike socializing and people" She huffed.

"Well you seem fine talking to me"

"It's just you" She said as she looked out the window making sure that no one was following the vehicle, she knew they probably weren't but it didn't hurt to be cautious.

"Just me?" Harlee winced when she realized she probably offended him.

"Your a singular person, not a group of people" Harlee explained

"I think there's another reason" The driver said and Harlee heard the doubt in his voice.

"I don't like people" She stated blandly

"No, I think you like people but you think they won't like you so you don't bother. Besides there not JUST people they're family"

"They are strangers" She didn't bother disputing the other things he thought about her.

"Doesn't make any less of a family" She rolled her eyes and puffed out a breath.

"Fine, maybe I think that they won't like me because of what my father tried to do" She muttered.

"I think you will be judged by your own merits and personality" She frowned, thinking.

"Peculiar" She muttered.

"What?" He glanced at her, hopefully she hadn't noticed the double meaning in his words.

"I don't think that the majority of the population agrees with you" Harlee said in thought.

"Maybe one day they will change their minds, besides you would be surprised by how many people agree with me. Here we are"

She looked around confused." You just took me around the building"

"You asked me to take you to the library, you never specified how far away it had to be" He smirked.

"Very cheeky" She smiled amused. She grabbed the 20 and handed it to him but he shook his head placing it back on her hand.

"That's not necessary, besides I don't think that's meant for me" Confusion covered her features.

"Who is it for?" She tilted her head at him.

"The rightful owner" Her mouth formed into an "O" and she smiled sheepishly while he gave her a look.

"You saw that?" Referring to when she pushed Mal towards Prince Ben she had grabbed the 20 bill from his pocket.

"I did" His face remained the same.

"Fine, then you give it to him" Another stern look. She groaned, her dark black hair falling and covering her face.

"Stop giving me that look"

"What look?" He said as his face remained the same.

"That look!" She pointed at his face. "It's the same one my father gives me when I do something wrong" She pouted as she remembered some of the scoldings her father had given her for stealing.

"Your father?"

"Yes,   I would steal what I didn't need when I was younger and he always gave me that stern/disappointed/ you better check yourself look. My father would say that I shouldn't steal or be cruel for simple fun, he told me to do what I needed to survive not what I wanted to simply fit in or out of boredom" She sighed, unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the limo. "I'll return it" She stated before she closed the door. She walked around the limo and started heading towards the library

"Hey" She heard a faint shout and Harlee turned.

"I'm sure your cousins would love to meet you Harlee" She smiled widely and he drove off. Harlee turned back and continued walking before hesitating again. 'Had she told him her name?' Harlee was sure she hadn't. She shrugged it off and continued on her way.


The darked haired limo driver parked in the garage where Belle and Adam were already waiting for him.He got out of the limo and gave Adam the keys.

"Thank you for letting me do this, Adam"

"Think nothing of it but I have to ask why? Why not wait until Family Day? Did you even tell her who you were?"

"I didn't tell her who I was and I couldn't wait until Family Day. I deserve to know how my daughter grew up and what kind of person she is"

"Harry" He said somberly. "We're not even sure if she truly is your daughter, Gothel could have-"

"I know my daughter, it was her. I saw it in her eyes, her face, her expression. She's my daughter. I know it was her and the DNA test is going to prove it"

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