Chapter 13

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~back to the group that couldn't mind their business~

The group of sixth watched in shocked silence as Elias faded from view.

"Sooo" Ruby dragged, catching everyone's attention "Why were you guys following Harlee and Elias?" Amir, the redhead with brilliant green eyes (as well as Elias' cousin and roommate), was about to respond but he was interrupted by Jay's glare at his and Ruby's direction.

"None of your business" Jay snapped, annoyed that he was stuck in ice with the blonde princess.


-a few minutes later-

"Are we just going to sit here in silence?" Melody asked innocently. Amir' eyes sparkled with excitement, the silence was slowly getting to him.

"It's been working well so far" Jay replied annoyedly.

"Jay!" Amir scolded, Melody, Carlos and Evie stared at him in surprise while Ruby grew more annoyed.

"What is your issue?"

"Maybe it has escaped your notice but we're trapped in ice!" Jay retorted sarcastically.

"So that gives you a reason to act like a dick" Ruby was done with the 'bad boy' playboy.


"Okay! Guys we're going to be stuck together for the next hour. Can you two at least try and get along" Evie interrupted, knowing that Jay was going to add more fuel to the fire.

"Yeah guys, the silence is boring" Melody added with a smile. Evie and Melody looked towards Ruby with pleading looks while Amir and Carlos gave the same look to Jay.

"Fine" they both agreed begrudgingly.

"Elias and Harlee are pretty cute together" Amir commented offhandedly, wanting the conversation to start.

"Right?! Its so adorable, how she helps him with his powers and how he's helping her experience new things and emotions. I mean it makes sense that their soulmates they're literally perfect" Melody's eyes sparkled before her face dropped at the panicked looks Ruby and Evie gave her.

"Ruby!" they both scolded.

"Hey! She didn't mean to" Amir defended and Melody flushed. The group of four shared a look.

"Soulmates?!" Carlos and Jay focused on the important part of the conversation.

"Well umm not exactly. It's not soulmates... I mean it's not confirmed... its more as if we think they're soulmates because they're so perfect for each other. We all know soulmates aren't real" Ruby rambled, finishing with a fake laugh. They gave her deadpanned looks and Ruby sighed.

"Fine! They're is a possibility that they are soulmates! We tried to go to the library to find more of them but there were a bunch of books that said the same thing and Harlee thought that they didn't have any credibility. But Don't. You. DARE. tell Harlee. I will murder you!" She glared at the group threateningly and the guys gulped silently before giving her a nod.

The conversation about Harlee and Elias shifted to the group getting to know each other more. Of course it went with Jay and Melody insulting or arguing with each other and Amir and Melody absentmindedly flirting with each other while blushing. And Carlos and Evie? Well they found themselves wishing for popcorn so that they could properly enjoy the show.

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Harlee POV:

I was in the Chemistry Lab boredly petting Emerald's fur, we had a test today and everyone was still completing theirs while I already finished mine. Jane then suddenly walked in giving Mr. Deley a note and they both looked at me. I raised an eyebrow at them as they walked towards me.

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