Chapter 20

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It was Monday, now a week before Ben's coronation and before my vk friends were going to steal Fairy Godmother's Wand. I stared at the "Thursday, 3 o'clock. Mad Hatter's cafe" It was a simple message yet my nerves were completely shot.

"Children, excuse me" I glanced up at the sound of the Fairy Godmother's voice and shut off my phone. As soon as she made sure she had all of our attention she continued "Um, as you know, this Saturday is family day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat"

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear" Maleficent's voice drawled out in minor confusion.. I froze in my seat as my eyes darted to the metal cart that had a small screen TV, Maleficent's face pressed against the screen.

"Kids!" Fairy Godmother encouraged us to come closer, stiffly we all moved towards the front of the classroom.

"Press enter" Jafar muttered as Maleficent moved back, revealing the rest of our parents.

"Can I please see a remote? Is this thing on?" Mal's mother voiced out in deep annoyance as the Evil Queen handed her the remote "Ugh, It's broken. Ugh! I hate electronic equip... Oh!" Maleficent looked surprised as Han had grabbed a different remote and they were finally able to see us.

"Evie, It's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree" The Evil Queen waved with a reserved smile. And Evie nervously smiled back, looking pleased at the compliment.

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent smirked as Jafar laughed and my father looked deeply annoyed. Alarm bells rang in my head. Everyone on the Isle knew that Hans disliked the four infamous villains, it was surprising they had gotten him to be in the same room.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat?" Cruella shrieked and Fairy Godmother's face fell. I face palmed as Mal walked closer to the screen with a tight smile.

"This is Fairy Godmother" The parents nodded in understanding.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent drawled with a sarcastic smile as the other parents, except for mine, chuckled. The headmistress looked positively outraged.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage" She exclaimed in indignation.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till one A.M.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" They laughed as Maleficent and the Evil Queen shared a fist bump.

"They were mice! They were not" The headmistress turned towards us, face flushed in anger before she turned back to the Tv "they were not... They were mice"

"Thank you so much" Mal interrupted as she guided the raging headmistress outside of view.

"Hi, mom" Mal said a little stoically.

"Mal!" Mal moved back from the screen yet her face remained impassive "I m-m-miss you" Maleficent stammered.

"You children are never far from our thoughts"Jafar exclaimed with a smile.

"How long must mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent fake pouted. We all knew what she meant 'How long till we get the wand' I saw my father roll his eyes before he noticed me watching him. He smiled at me lovingly. I couldn't help but think about all he hid from me and frowned.

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up. I think sometime probably after that" Mal crossed her arms, gripping them tightly.

"When?" Maleficent looked excited and the pit in my stomach came back at full force 'How am I going to fix this'

"Sunday, 10 A.M" Mal answered.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do If I don't get my hands on that magic wan... you... you little nugget that I love so much" Maleficent faltered before Cruella had nudged her. My father rolled his eyes yet again.

"Yes, I completely understand, mother" Mal replied stoically.

"How are you sweetheart?" Hans interrupted whatever Maleficent wanted to say

"I'm fine, met my cousins" I replied in a chill tone.

"You did?" The surprise in his face was clear.

"Yep, all twenty two of em, thanks for the warning by the way" I couldn't help the betrayal in my voice.


"OH and I found out that apparently I'm first in line to the throne. What was the reason for that again?" I faked a pause and took notice at how his face had fallen in realization "Oh yeah my father  King Harry, he-" Mal placed a hand on my shoulder and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Honey" He was interrupted by Cruella's obnoxious screech.

"Carlos, is that a dog?" Carlos straightened "Oh, yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs" Cruella crazily cooed to the squeaky plush dog near her shoulder.

"He's the perfect size for a pet!" Carlos stated indignantly with a glare. Cruella gasped as she leaned away from the screen.

"This dog loves me, and I love him" Carlos neared the screen with a frown on his face " And fyi, your dog is stuffed!" Cruella looked absolutely horrified and dare I think slightly hurt. "So give it a rest!" He ended with a huff and pulled back from the screen.

"Oh-ho! Burn!" Jafar cheered mockingly in Cruella's face.

"Oh! Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman!" Cruella retorted with venom.

"People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones" Jafar mocked.

"Oh, well, people who sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors"

"Enough!" "Harlee I love you" Were the last things heard as Jay turned off the monitor.

"I'm so sorry" Fairy Godmother apologised, clear pity filled her eyes.

"Thanks for the special treat" Jay smiled ruefully as we shared a glance, picking up our stuff and exiting the classroom.

"M?" Collectively we stopped walking as Evie stared ahead meaningfully "What do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?

"I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately... Proud of us for doing our best" Mal stated positively. I narrowed my eyes at her, not believing it. The four main villains aren't exactly forgiving.

"Really?" Carlos asked with his voice filled with doubt.

"No, I think we are definitely goners"

Thank yall for reading.

Almost to the ending! Maybe  two or five chapters left.

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