Chapter 18

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The game was incredibly fun and by the end of it I was completely drenched in water. Now me and Elias sat underneath a trunk of an elm tree. Amir,Layla, Kai, Ruby and Jay had all left. Ruby and Layla had cheerleading practice, Amir and Jay had a tourney and Kai said she had something to do.

"How are you handling everything?" Elias asked quietly and I turned towards him, already finding Eli staring at me.

"Better than expected I suppose" I unknowingly frowned before catching myself but Elias didn't miss it.

"What's bothering you?" I sighed deeply at his question. His concerned eyes weighed down on me.

"Becoming Queen...I'm the first in line to the throne of a place I've never been. To rule over people I don't know and they don't know me. What if they don't like me? What if my father is disappointed with who I am? I'm a villain kid! No one is going to be happy with a villain as queen" I looked down not wanting to stare at his beautiful smile and comforting crystal blue eyes.

"Hey" He bumped his shoulder against me and I looked up at him "What happened to Harlee that's always sure of herself?" He asked rhetorically.

"She died" I stated dryly, a bit of truth to my words.

"Funny" He muttered sarcastically before staring at me intently "Harls, you are one of the best people I know; your kind, your smart, you want to change the world, your ethereally beautiful and yes you were raised on the Isle but it doesn't automatically make you a bad person and sometimes good people make bad decisions, and it's okay, its human. You taught me that, you're amazing"My heart warmed at his words. I hadn't realised how close we had gotten, and at this moment I have never wanted to kiss him more. And I did, I moved my lips against his before realising that he wasn't kissing me back, I pulled away embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I probably should've asked first . You were just talking about me in such a beautiful way when really you're the beautiful one. I'm pretty sure I would have turned into an emotionless robot had I not met you. And-" He cut me off with his lips on my own. I kissed him passionately as I ran my fingers through his hair, one of his hands was on the back of my neck. His other hand was on my waist pulling me against him. I felt an indescribable heat rush through my entire body, originating from my shoulders until it spread through the tip of my toes. I pulled him impossibly closer.

It could have been seconds, minutes or hours when we finally broke apart, his forehead against mine as we breathed heavily.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time" He muttered quietly and we both released an airy laugh.

"Me too but I was scared to" I admitted, not wanting to hide from him.

"Why?" He caressed my cheek and I leaned to his cold yet comforting touch.

"Do you remember the day when I asked you if you believe in soulmates?" I asked as I looked into his eyes in a trance. A look of recognition and amusement crossed his face.

"Our unofficial date that we were spied on and then we built a snowman?" He asked rhetorically with a laugh.

"Yes that's the one" I smiled, pausing "The day before I found a book about soulmates, I read it after I asked what you thought of them and some of what the author was saying I felt... for you" My gaze turned gentle and slightly hesitant, he grabbed my hand and I continued"And then there was a soulmate mark and Ruby thought that half a heart on my left shoulder was because of you" His eyes widened at my last admission.

"You have a heart on your left shoulder? Can I see it?" I stared at him quizzically but nodded, I wanted to get this conversation out the way so that I could just enjoy him. I took off my red leather jacket and turned my back towards him. He lightly traced the mark and I couldn't help the shiver.

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