Chapter 15

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"Hey, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about King Harry" Ben spoke as we walked towards my dorms.

"I get it" I paused thoughtfully "I understand it's a delicate situation but Harry, my dad, one of them should have told me. But it was overwhelming enough meeting all my cousins, I see why the logical thing to do is wait until I get settled or a little comfortable here" Ben smiled at me with a nod and I gave him a small smile back.

"Harlee, do you think I could pick your brain for a moment?" I stopped walking as he did, tilting my head.

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"It's about Mal" I hid my panic, my heart racing 'Did the spell stop working?' "I want to ask her out but I don't know what she will enjoy, I want to learn everything about her but I don't want to chase her away, I love her you know?" He smiled a dopey full in love smile like the mere thought of Mal was enough. I felt relief  for a brief moment before it was outweighed by the guilty feeling that spread to my body. When this is over Ben is going to be destroyed.

"I- Yeah, well she'll enjoy a ride on a motorcycle, we didn't have a variety of food on the Isle as you have here and Mal adores food even if she hides it. If you want to get to know her I suggest a walk through the woods. Eli and I always go to the lake, it's private and peaceful. Good for conversations" He absorbs my words before nodding.

"Thanks Lee, your a good friend" Ben unexpectedly hugged me and I hugged back feeling more guilty than ever.'I'm so sorry Ben'

. . . . . .

I entered my dorm emotionally drained, closing the door with a small sigh. I turn only to find Ruby, Melody, Kailan, Evie, Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Elias.

"Hi?" I looked at them in confusion.They bombarded me with questions and hugs that I was unable to keep up.

"Stop, Stop!" I took a deep breath "Listen I appreciate the concern but I'm exhausted. I'll answer any questions that you may have tomorrow after three o'clock. I need time to think and rest" As I said this I laid on my bed, Emerald hopping towards me and snuggling into my chest.


"I mean I should at least give him a chance right? It wasn't his fault that Gothel took me. And since I'm his daughter that means I'm the future Queen, things need to change and what better way to do that as queen? But I doubt having a villain for a queen is going to go well. But then again I'm only considered a villain because of my father who is now my Uncle, biologically at least. And then there's my cousins, I'm not exactly mad at them but I'm also not thrilled with them either. And then the whole I have a crush on Elias he may be my soulmate business. I don't know. What do you think I should do?" Emerald slowly blinked at me. 'I'm definitely going crazy'

"Wow, that's a lot" I jumped from my spot, looking at Charlotte and Ruby with wide eyes.

"Told you she was here" Ruby muttered before giving me a smile and walking away. It wasn't three yet.

"I- what are you doing here?" I panicked "How much did you hear?"

"Oliver called me, I was the closest to Auradon and Oliver thought you liked me better than all the cousins, which why wouldn't you? I'm awesome. But I heard all of it, so did your little blonde friend" Charlotte explained walking further into the hidden, guess not anymore, corner of the library.

"Everything?" I squeaked.

"Everything" She confirmed before she sat down next to me. "I clearly haven't been here and all I know is that your DNA results confirmed that you are indeed Harry's daughter and are first in line for the throne which is a great relief" She paused, scanning my face.

"Now you can either talk to me about everything that you just rambled on about a few seconds ago and I promise I'll be an impartial party or you can go crazy talking to your bunny" I bit my lip in contemplation, Ruby is the only that's truly informed in the soulmate business and Elias has more answers on the 'who's my real dad' than anyone. It would be nice to have someone who knows everything and not having to see them everyday.

I told her about everything, starting with my father, the Isle. Then moving to when I first came to Auradon, I told her about Elias, soulmates, the wand. I told her about everything and she listened to all of it, only interrupting me with a question for better understanding. It felt like a huge weight off my shoulders. I just hoped it didn't come to bite me in the ass later on.

"I don't think you should tell the Fairy Godmother about the plan to steal her wand, your friends will get sent back to the Isle immediately. But you shouldn't do nothing either, we can create a plan that keeps you all here and the wand safe... And about Ben, that's messy as is and ultimately you should leave that between Mal, Aubrey and Ben. Unfortunately I can't spend the night but next Saturday is Family Day. I'll be there, during the week we can text and come up with a solid plan. Here" She handed me a white box and inside I saw the a shiny black phone inside, on the back my name and a crown with an infinity symbol were inscribed "This is one of the presents Uncle Harry bought for you"

"It's beautiful, thank you" I gingerly traced my finger over the design before I realized what she said "Wait, did you say Harry? And presents? As in multiple?"

"Yes and yes. Grief is a powerful thing and many people react differently, his is buying you a gift on the 13th of every month" She smiled sadly and I glanced down.

"You think I should speak to him?"

"I think only you can make that decision. Whatever you decide , his number is already on your phone along with mine" Charlotte paused, staring at me intently "If you want I can give a small explanation to your friends if you want to spend some more time alone" She suggested and I gave her a small smile.

"Could you but just don't tell them-" Charlotte interrupted me before I could finish my question

"The soulmate, the wand, you crying and going all kachow with a dude" A laugh escaped through me.

"I was not "kachow with a dude "" I repeated with a mocking tone.

"Yeah you were" She laughed, a teasing glint in her eyes. I scoffed.

"Oh okay" I mocked with an eye roll and we both laughed. She then stood, stretching.

"I have to go now, I'll give your friends a small explanation and I'll take Emerald back to your dorm. If you need anything, even if it's not wand related or related to anything we discussed, call or text me, kay?" I nodded and Charlotte gave me a hug before  picking up Emerald and walking away.

"Bye Lotte" She stopped walking, a sentimental look crossed her features.

"Your mom used to call me that" She whispered and I swallowed awkwardly.


"No no, it's okay. Umm if you have any questions about her, don't be afraid to ask" I hadn't mentioned her during our talk, I didn't feel ready to speak or hear about her but I nodded silently in her direction she gave me a small smile and left.

I looked to the sides of the phone and saw a few buttons, I pressed the smaller one for a few seconds and it lit up. I stayed for two hours in the library, figuring out how to use the phone and checking out any princess and royal duties book that I could find.

An/ I feel like this happens a lot but Im sorry Ive been MIA I just haven't been in the mood for writing. And dealing with family, christmas, work, my mental health, trying to figure myself out and getting my shit together. Thanks for reading and your patience 💜

Ps. Her ranting to Emerald was inspired from the scene in Tangled when Rapunzel rants to Pascal how she feels guilty about leaving her tower.

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