Chapter 14

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Harlee POV:

It was the next day and Evie sat next to me as we waited for results for my test. We accidentally bumped into each other when she was dreamily looking at her B+ she got on her chemistry test. I smiled proudly at her. She was smarter than she let on and it was about time she realised it.

"Do you like it here?" Her question caught me off guard and for a moment I felt like lying but I didn't.

"Surprisingly, yes, I enjoy it here. The people that we've met are not bad either. Although I suppose I'm still angry at the fact that the poverty that runs the Isle is because of their decisions but being angry about the past isn't going to do me or the Isle any good. Speaking out will, I have a plan to fix it. I just need people that are willing to listen" Suddenly remembered a conversation I held with Elias.

""What is something that makes you angry?" Elias asked suddenly as he was practicing control.

"What an odd question" I commented, raising an eyebrow.

"Just answer it" He insisted and I rolled my eyes before thinking.

"I think it's unfair that the Isle is treated like we're not part of Auradon. Fine you wanted to cast the villains because fear consumed you and you were concerned for your people but if you wanted to shun us out the very least safe drinking water, a working economy and non toxic food. You casted us out, placed us in poverty and people die all the time . Auradon could have helped but you didn't. You ignored us and innocent children are paying with their lives for their parents' mistakes" I rambled taking a deep breath.

Elias stared at me in shock before wrapping me in a hug.

"You're right but you're speaking as if I personally had a hand in this. I didn't. You have every right to be angry but if you want things to change, speak out. Be the Isle's voice! I-""

"Harlee!!" I snapped out of my memory and looked at Evie.


"Your test results" She looked at me in concern before handing me an orange envelope. I nodded to her and opened it, my eyes widening as I read it.

"Evie, who gave you this?" My face unreadable but my tone is shaky.

"Well a man came in and he asked if we were here for the Westegard test results and I said yes. It couldn't be that bad" She noticed the look on my face and peered at the paper in my hands.

'Harlee Westegard'

'50% parental match- Harry Westegard'

'23% match- Hans Westegard'

"Oh my god" she whispered.

"Harlee, sorry to keep you waiting but I have your test result, might I say that you, young lady have a peculiar brain" The lady from yesterday walked in with a smile. Suddenly Hazel, Oliver and Madison walked in.

"Is this real?" I spoke slowly and they simply stared at me with wide eyes staring at the paper in my hands. I walked away from them in a haste.  Feeling suffocated and trapped by being near them.

. . 🖤 . .

I sat in the hidden corner of the library  with my legs pressed against my chest as tears slowly fell from my eyes. I looked up when I heard footsteps, trying my best to wipe the tears from my face and keep the new ones from falling. The footsteps got closer and soon Elias appeared.

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