Chapter 6

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*Before Harlee ran off and found Emerald*

King Harry paced in King Adams' office waiting for his nieces and nephews.

"If you damage my rug, you're paying for it" Adam Beast joked as his friend stopped pacing and glared at him.

"They should be back by now" He sighed out, as he sat on the one person sofa before he stood up again impatiently.

"You don't think stealing hair from someone is going to be difficult? Especially considering that they have to do it inconspicuously" Adam reasoned. Harry shook his head and sat down again only to stand when he heard the door open.Killian, William and Hazel walked in.

"We got it" The twins smiled widely while Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Right after they got us kicked out of the Mad Hatter's cafe" Hazel glared at the twins. But Harry didn't care, they got what he needed for a DNA test. He grabbed the vial from the twins and gave it to the DNA analyst. Now he just had to wait... Again.  

. a week later.

King Harry was asleep in his chamber in Adam's personal castle when an auradon royal guard came in with an orange envelope that contained the DNA results. Harry woke up startled and groggy as he saw a blurry figure of the guard standing in front of him.

"Your royal highness, I apologize. We had orders that this was to be delivered immediately" 'The DNA results' That woke Harry up in an instant.

"It's alright, thank you" He said as he took the envelope from the guard's hand. The guard bowed and made his way out the door passing King Adam on the way.

"Well, aren't you going to open it?" Harry turned his head and saw Adam closing the door and making his way towards him.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"Harry questioned in turn.

"I came to support a friend" Adam said and took a spot on the leather one seater and Harry followed in suit, sitting on the opposite one.

"What if it really isn't her?" Harry suddenly doubted.

"Then all you're stalking was for nothing" The Beast joked as there were pictures of Harlee and her friends covered his table as well as grade reports and books that she had read. Harry had the decency to look embarrassed but he looked back at the envelope in contemplation.

"I remember asking you that question, I didn't want you to get your hopes up but guess what? If it isn't her we will keep looking until we find her, you're this close to finding out if it is. Don't pass it up." Adams' words filled Harry's confidence and he opened the envelope.   


After the weird encounter with Hazel and Oliver, we walked to the boy's dorm which was pretty sweet. It surprisingly had dark colors, maybe my dorm isn't a barfable pink princess dorm. I sat down on a chair with Emerald still in my arms, while Jay was on his bed discarding things from his bag and Evie explored their room.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal questioned him as she looked at the stuff on his bed.

"It's called stealing" He smirked and I laughed at his slight sass and Emerald's eyes brightened like she was laughing with us too. Mal looked at us in annoyance. Evie then took a seat next to me with a slight smile giving Emerald a soft pat.

"Okay, what's the point?"

"It's taking things from people without their consent and without their knowledge" I said as Jay responded to her with a smile.It reminded me of the 20 in my pocket, I should probably return it.

"Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free"

"Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world" Mal said sarcastically.

"You sound just like your mom" Evie said as she put down her mirror from when she was checking for invisible imperfections.

"Thank you" Mal smiled.

"Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome" Carlos stated excitedly as he handed some blue sticks to Jay.

"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal called as we all watched Jay play the game.

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah" He commented offhandedly and we all, except Mal, shared a laugh.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" The light atmosphere grew more somber as my friends glanced down. They felt the need to be evil because of their parents. I was fortunate to have a father who did not wish for a dark path or obligated me to follow one step behind him. I almost spoke up but I bit my tongue.

"Yeah" They agreed while I remained silent.

"Evie, mirror me" Mal commanded as she sat on Evie's other side. Evie nodded and pulled out her mirror from her red bag.

"Mirror, mirror on the- in my hand, where is the fairy godmother's wand stand?" The mirror grew cloudy before an image of the wand appeared

"There it is!" Mal said excitedly.

"Zoom out" Carlos told Evie as he grabbed a laptop.

"Magic mirror, not so close" The mirror showed an image of the Earth and we stared in annoyance "Closer. Closer. Closer." Evie said frustrated as the mirror was going slow.

"Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three" As Carlos asked this, a sign that read 'The Museum of Cultural History' appeared in the mirror.

"Stop!" Jay said from behind us.

"It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" Mal stated and Carlos quickly typed it into the computer.

"2.3 Miles from here" We all stood up and we left for the museum. Taking Emerald with us, I wasn't planning on going anywhere without her. On the way, I just kept thinking what I was going to do. I couldn't betray my friends but I couldn't just let them take the wand. Luckily I didn't have to make my decision tonight.

AN: I just had the scare of a lifetime. I was in my bedroom just chilling when I hear my doorknob jiggle. I paused only to see it and hear it jiggle again. Panicking I grabbed a hardcover book, slowly I walked towards the door and raised my book. When suddenly the door opens. It was my mom!! I had the book raised and everything, she was like "What the hell are you doing?" I was freaked out, I wasn't expecting anyone at that time 😅

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