Chapter 4

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Harlee's POV:

I found a hidden corner of the library and remained there for who knows how long when I was interrupted by a lean, tall boy with messy blonde hair.

"Oh, Hello" I stared at him curiously.

"Hi" I looked back to my book and continued reading. His presence remained. I ignored it as long as I could before I sighed, closing the book.

"Do you need something?"

"No, not at all" He shook his head, that's when I noticed his gloved hands.

"Are you a germaphobe?" He looked startled.

"What?!" He spluttered looking flustered. I pointed towards his gloves and he seemed to freak out more.

"You know there is a normal estimate that a person can go without breathing for about five minutes but considering that you look like you couldn't handle less than 15 seconds underwater I suggest you breathe" I said blandly. He took a deep breath, mumbling something intangible. I opened my book again.

"I didn't think anyone would find this place" He commented after a moment.

"Not what I asked. Tell me, do your parents know you wear the gloves to hide your powers?" He looked at me with wide eyes as if he was surprised I knew. Of course I knew who he was, the blonde almost white hair, the attractively dazzling blue eyes, the pale skin, the gloves. I knew exactly who he was, he was an exact replica of his mother. "Based on your reaction, I think it's a no. You know the more you fear and hide your powers, the more dangerous and unpredictable they become. You should learn to not fear it, it's the first step to control"

"What do you know of magic?"

"Not a thing" I stated plainly. I pushed the book I was reading into his hands and walked away. 'I think it's time I met my cousins anyway' As I walked the hall I noticed that people who were in conversation would stop talking just to stare at me. Have they never seen a person walking before? I rolled my eyes.

"HEY!" I heard a voice call. I kept walking, they were probably trying to grab their friends' attention.

"Hey" This time the voice was a lot closer. I frowned slightly when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned and saw the boy from the library.

"I was talking to you, how do you walk so fast?" He stated slightly out of breath. I stared at him.

"Um W-what I just wanted... Listen about-"

"There she is!" I turned at that statement.That's when I noticed a group of people walking in our direction specifically towards me. My eyes widened as I stared at all of them. There were a LOT of them.

"Hey" They all chorused.

"Hi" I squeaked.

"Aww she is so cute" An older looking man with red hair cooed as he pinched my cheek. I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch my face" He pouted and mumbled 'meanie' while I heard a laugh. I turned towards the sound and a  young woman stood there smiling at me.

"I'm Charlotte, the oaf that pinched your cheek was Liam" We both laughed.

"I'm Harlee" I smiled politely.

"Oh we know" Another man spoke and I looked at him. He shrugged "Your all anyone has been talking about the past two weeks. If we didn't know your name it would be embarrassing especially considering how-" He was interrupted when Charlotte shoved her elbow in his stomach.

"You're our cousin, considering how you are part of a big family. We have to keep track of everyone" She smiled and I nodded suspiciously.

"Okay, everyone line up!We start with eldest to youngest" she then leaned down "Might make it easy for you to remember"

"As you already know I'm Charlotte, that's Liam, that smart aleck over there is Axel" She said pointing to each of them. She then grabbed my arm and dragged me to a tall man "This twenty-three year old justin bieber wannabee is Noah" I shook his hand with a stifled laugh and Charlotte dragged me to a girl and a boy who looked strikingly similar "These are the first set of twins Everly and Everett" I tried to shake their hands but the pulled me into a hug.

"Oh, hi" I said surprised. Charlotte pulled me away "This twenty year old frat boy is Jackson"

"Sup" He said with a nod and I nodded back at him.

"As if one set of twins was bad enough we have another which makes us question why our parents didn't stop procreating, Killian and William" I laughed while they both gave Charlotte an offended look.

"This here is the gay goth from the family, Maverick" He glared at Charlotte and she just gave him a brilliant smile. We quickly moved on "These nerds over here, who are going to be attending Auradon prep with you are Oliver,Hazel and Layla." "They're one year older than you" she whispered as they all took turns hugging me.

"Then we have Violet, Carter and Madison,you're the same age as  them and I'm sure you'll share a few classes. Consider them your tour guides" I gave them a smile and a wave.

"The fifteen year old dreamers are Laura and Grace"

"Wanting to be a singer isn't just a dream, it's a lifestyle" Laura scoffed while Grace gave me a smile before continuing to draw on her tablet.

"Whatever" Charlotte waved her off and dragged me to a younger boy.

"This shy boy over here is Ezra, he attends a different school" I gave him a wave and he nodded in acknowledgement.

"Then we have-"

"I'm Avery!" An excited dark haired girl said. She then gave me a big hug. "I have SOOO many questions, what's Uncle Hans like? Is it true that you don't have any magic in the Isle? Are the other Vk's your friends?"


"Do you have a boyfriend? You're too pretty to not have one? Or are you gay like Maverick and Uncle James?"

"AVERY" Most of them yelled in a scolding tone and she glanced at the floor sheepishly.

"Sorry" She looked at me apologetically. I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, you were just being curious. My dad, Uncle Hans, is one of the most important people in my life he is very warm, loving and a great father. Yes magic isn't available on Isle similar to wifi and clean running water, among many other things. The other VK's are my best friends. No, I don't have a boyfriend. And while I understand your curiosity you can't ask people about their sexuality, it's rude and frankly none of your business. But I am not gay, went out with a girl once but I discovered I prefer boys" She nodded with wide eyes, taking in everything that I told her.

Charlotte shook her head before dragging me to another small girl. "This is Nova"

"Hello" I smiled, she blushed and shyly waved at me.

"And the very last cousin is Alexander" He gave me a hug as a greeting and I took a deep breath.

"Well it's nice to meet all of you and I hope we get know each other better"

"That's exactly why we are here, to get to know each other. Let's go!" Charlotte excitedly grabbed my arm and whisked me away.


The blonde boy stood in the library in a stupor before glancing down at the book the black haired girl had shoved into his hands. It was about Arandelle, specifically his mother and his aunt's story. 'That's how she knew.' He took a moment before running after her. He had managed to catch up but her cousins had found her and whisked her away and he sighed in disappointment. Maybe he can talk to her another time.

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