Chapter 7

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Before orientation, Matthew thought it'd be best if we grabbed a quick bite to eat in the dining hall. Apparently, we had missed breakfast already and we had to settle for loose pieces of fruit.

I toss the apple core in a trash bin on the edge of campus. I look at the map Matthew had scribbled for me. We had already gone to all of the buildings my classes would be held.

"So is that it for the tour?"

"Not quite, we just need to head down to the athletic field and then one more place after that."

I look to the sun above us. By the look of it, it was already past noon.

"We aren't going to miss lunch, are we?"

Matthew waves me off. "I'm sure I'll be on time, now come on."

My stomach growls. An apple wasn't enough calories to keep me going for this trek around campus. Still, I'd rather not be lost trying to find my classes tomorrow. That happened more than a few times while I was alive, and I didn't want to be that chick again.

Matthew leads us on a path that goes around the administration building, past an outdoor amphitheater, and over a small bridge. This place is so beautiful on the surface, like...

"That's why we call it Near Elysium instead of purgatory," Matthew says beside me.

So that was the name of this place. Almost paradise. Almost Heaven. I look up at Matthew. His hair is curled over his forehead and under his ear, making his jaw look strong and perfectly chiseled. His dark eyes sharp, yet mysterious. He's ridiculously handsome, and maybe I'd have an issue with following rule 127 if that's all he was. But he's a psychic, and there's nothing attractive about having my mind being constantly intruded upon. So he's nearly perfect, like everything else around here.

I bite my lip and look away.

He doesn't say anything, so maybe he didn't hear me. Good. I'm embarrassed I even thought like that.

Finally, we make it to an open field surrounded by a dirt track. There's a small shed to one side and the other-oh. Look who it is.

"Whoa! What are you guys doing out here?" Hercules jogs up to us, his arms filled with long sticks.

"I was just showing Elizabeth where her classes will be," Matthew says. Hercules beams.

"You're going to be in my class, Squirt?"

"Yeah, guess so." I haven't actually seen my class schedule, but I doubt there are multiple classes out here.

"Your facilitator must be a real hardass. Hold on," he looks me up and down. "Where is your uniform?"

"This is her uniform and I'm the hardass you were mentioning."

Hercules drops the sticks and busts out laughing. He clutches his stomach. "You? A facilitator? Oh man, I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I would've left you out in the woods if I had known you'd be stuck with this wet rag."

Matthew flips him off.

"We better get going. I still have to finish her orientation," Matthew says. He grabs my elbow and tries to lead me away. Still, Hercules is on our heels.

"Awesome, can I join? I can help."

I look up at Matthew. Hercules is a lot of person to deal with, but he's nice. I don't see why he couldn't come along if he wanted to. Besides, he could join us for lunch.

"Hercules, you know how important this is," Matthew begins.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Hey Elizabeth, let me know how he does it next time I see you, okay?"

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