Chapter 10

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The next morning, I wake when the rooster crows. I take a quick shower and put on my uniform. This is it. First day of class. I grab my backpack and notice a note on top of my class schedule.

Good luck today, and don't embarrass me out there.

When did he even leave this?

I turn it in my hands. On the back is a map of the academy. At least he's being somewhat helpful. I tuck it into my pocket. A bell gongs in the distance. Alright, I'll grab a quick bite to eat and then it's off to class.

At breakfast time, the cafeteria looks like a free-for-all. No having to sit exclusively with the house. That's great, not that it changes the fact that I still have no one to sit with. I stagger into a buffet line that didn't exist yesterday. The little ghosts are putting out trays of food, and students are using disposable plates instead of porcelain.

By the time I get up to the actual food, a ghost approaches me with a covered plate. Everyone is staring again. This is the worst. My face is beet red by now as if it were becoming a reflex. The little note on the tray says my name and the little hope I had that the ghost made a mistake is crushed.

I made breakfast for you, you're welcome. 😊

I groan and put the tray on top of mine. I slip to a small table in the corner and sit. This is going to be depressing, I can just feel it. The juice cartons that everyone else has is notably absent from my tray. Instead, I have a glass of water. Under the hood, confirmation of my worst fears. Half of a disgusting grapefruit and a boring boiled egg. He even set aside measured salt, pepper, and sugar. Half a teaspoon for each.


Oh, and there's another note.

Make sure to clean your dishes after you're done.

I look up and watch the other students dumping their trash. It must be nice to have a facilitator who isn't a sadist. Doing dishes has got to be the worst chore ever. Pruny hands and dried nails, then there's the soggy food to deal with, disgusting. At least it's only a plate and cup. Maybe I'm complaining too much.

I peel the shell off the egg and sprinkle it with salt and pepper. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I drink some of the water and stare at the grapefruit. It's red in the middle, like a cherry jolly rancher, but it smells bitter. Maybe I can pretend it's something else. Come on fate, give me a placebo. My hands shake. I put it to my mouth, attempting to ignore the bitter tang of citric acid on my nose and give it a lick.

"Good God that's disgusting." I drop it on my tray. The teaspoon of sugar Matthew allotted me isn't going to help that. Damn, Matthew. I am really starting to hate that man. I smile and pick up the dixie cup of sugar.

"Thank you for the meal, Teacher." I pour the sugar down my mouth and follow it up with the rest of the water. Now for the dishes.

"Got a bit of a sweet tooth, eh?"

"Oh, Mr. Hercules. Good morning."

He looks over at my tray of dirty dishes.

"Matthew has you on a special diet?"

I nod and try not to look him in the eye. He's being really casual right now. He doesn't seem to even have a fraction of the intensity he had yesterday. I hope people aren't watching this.

"If you're done, I'll take it to the back for you. I have to pick up my delivery anyway."

Before I can stop him, he's already on his way to the kitchen. I follow behind him and keep my head down. There are a few muffled whispers and I know they're about me. We disappear behind the double doors.

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