Chapter 34

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My stumble back to campus is solo because Hercules decided his afternoon would be dedicated to running. How he could manage that with as much alcohol as we consumed is proof enough that whatever was affecting his strain was temporary. As I cross the bridge, I watch an entire trail of camellias wash down the stream.

Caiden, that crazy kid. He must've cut all the flowers from the bushes. I hold the rail and try my best to walk upright while I make my way to the garden.

"Caiden! Hey guy, why'd you cut all of the flowers?"

I can make out his blurry form still next to the bushes. I go over to the stream and pick up a handful of flowers.

"Here, put them back."

I start to slide forward, but he catches me.

"Elizabeth, are you drunk?"

I shake my head.

"Not totally, but still, don't tell Matthew. He wouldn't like it."

Caiden slings my arm over his shoulder.

"I thought you were supposed to be in class. How did you get like this?" He half drags me to the secluded area beneath the willow tree. I crash to the cool ground and roll to one side.

"Elizabeth? Do you think this was a good idea, considering what is happening on campus, I mean."

I cover my face with my hands. "I know, I know. Hercules was upset, I didn't know what else to do."

He pats my head. "I am so confused right now."

At least I know Caiden can keep a secret.

"Somehow Hercules lost his strength before class, that's why he canceled it...I just...ugh." And now my head is beginning to hurt. Hercules might be feeling better, but I think I'll need a nap to fully recuperate.

"That's really odd. Strains don't just disappear like that..." Caiden says, looking outward. I get up from my seat and dust off my clothes.

"Yeah, I don't get it either. He was fine at breakfast."

"Speaking of food, you'd better get something in your stomach to soak up that alcohol," Caiden says.

I nod. "I knew it was a bad idea to share breakfast with Hercules. That salad Matthew left me for lunch wasn't nearly enough."

Caiden's eyebrows furrow.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"Oh I just remembered that I have this," he reaches into his cloak and pulls out some kind of bread. It smells sweet, like a living world honey bun. He places it into my hands.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow?"

"Sober, I hope."

I let out a chuckle that turns into a hiccupping fit. My face goes red as I wave at him and leave the garden behind me.

I nap off the effects of the wine in my bedroom. Since I've already completed the midterm for my core class, Matthew has given me the next week off to prepare for my other classes. He's using the time to do academy business and probably researching over at Doc's.

I wish he would have asked me to help, instead of making me feel useless. I'd like to take satisfaction of catching this guy myself. I have a prime suspect, but suspicion isn't enough.

I sit in my bed with a cup of tea in one hand. It does nothing for my headache.

Dinner will be starting in an hour, and since Matthew hasn't barged through my door yet; I'm guessing he didn't find what he was looking for. Most likely, I'll be doing dishes late again tonight. So, if Matthew didn't catch him, I'll be seeing Levi again tonight. That doesn't bode well. Last night I had an advantage, but now that he knows I'm armed, that will likely be to my own detriment. He might even bring a weapon of his own this time. I need an edge somehow.

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