Chapter 13

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Back in my room I reopen the handbook and begin studying. If Hercules is going to quiz us during class and deal out deadly punishments, I'd better brush up on this crap. I go to the first section of rules.

Rule 1: It is the duty of every facilitator to assist students in becoming true heroes reflective of all pillars of the academy.

There it is. What exactly would that look like and what purpose would it serve anyway? There aren't heroes to be made at this academy with classes like Korma's or Crowe's, even if I did have a strain. What was Matthew thinking? He basically took me on as an impossible task.

No, that's not right, he had told me that he saved me.

There are three knocks on the door before it opens.

"Hi, Teacher."

He shuts the door behind him and strolls to my desk chair. He hasn't even looked at me. I cover my face behind the student handbook.

"So," he says slowly, his voice heavy. "What did you say to Hercules to get him to spare you?"

"Well," I gulp, "he said he'd ask us questions on the academy handbook as our last chance to save ourselves. I just asked him to ask me one."

"And the question was...?"

"I...I kinda didn't let him finish asking."

He goes silent. After a minute passes I peek above the book. Just how upset is he? Mr. Kane called my stunt pathetic, now that Matthew knows the extent of it, is he thinking the same thing too? I guess it was a dirty trick, but there was no way I was going to be able to answer whatever he asked.

Then, he laughs. It isn't a chuckle, he's doubled over, clutching his stomach and his face is growing red.

"I can't believe he fell for that!" He says, wiping away a stray tear.

The book falls from my grasp. "You-" my breath catches. "You aren't upset?"

"I'm pissed, but not because of your hail mary. I told you not to go to Hercules' class until next week."

"I couldn't help it, he forced me and I didn't know what to say."

Matthew sighs. "No excuses. If I tell you to do something, there's a reason for it. The councilman isn't a fan of yours, so I'd like to keep you out of his sight."

Maybe if he would've said something...

"I am your facilitator and not required to explain anything to you. You obviously have more reading to do."

Typical Legacy Academy crap. No explanations and even the handbook is confusing.

"Which part has you befuddled this time?"

I flip to the first rule and show it to him. He leans back in his chair.

"You skipped the introduction, didn't you?"

I shake my head. "I read it, I just don't see how I fit into any of it."

"That's because you don't."

I sit back and fold my arms. That was worse than what the councilman said. Graduation is my one chance to go back and find someplace I really belong.

"Elizabeth, if any of us could go back, then we would be getting more students, and you wouldn't be an abnormality, would you?"

My shoulder slump. "I guess not."

"Still, if your goal is to graduate, you would need to meet the same requirements as everyone else."

I groan and roll away from him. "Have you taken classes here? They're impossible."

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