Chapter 31

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I spent all that time trying to replace my pencils, all to use them in class for nothing more than doodles. Midterms are in two weeks, and I don't have anything to study. And with the library off-limits, I'm definitely going to fail them.

I grab a quick lunch, get my athletic gear on, and begin the walk towards the field. It's early, but I don't mind spending the extra time with Hercules. I'll get a preview of what today's assignment will be, and that will increase my likelihood of my survival.

I come to the bridge and take a moment to listen to the water flow underneath it. The spot is one of my favorites. I can see all the way down the river, between the trees, and see where the flowing water meets the sky.

A red camellia floats past me and I watch as it bobs through the water. It's on a long journey from the garden to the valley below. Wait.

I turn to the garden. The camellia bushes are nowhere near the river. And the blossom was too fresh and perfect to have gotten there by accident. I jump into the grass and pull the rod iron gate to the garden open.

This isn't off campus, it's a gray area. Matthew can't get upset. Right? I pass the bench by the rose bushes. There, at the camellia bushes next to the wisteria tree, is Caiden draped in layers of cloth.

He looks at me, a freshly cut flower in his hand. I run over to him, but stop short of hugging him, even though I want to so badly.

"Hey," I say awkwardly.

"Hey," he says, returning the awkward. He walks over and drops the camellia into the stream.

"So, how have you been?" he asks.

"Good and bad, same as usual. You?"


We watch the camellia chase the flow of the stream.

"I missed you," he finally says.

I drop to my knees beside him.

"I missed you too. I wish I could've seen you, but Matthew, he didn't want me to leave campus anymore."

He pulls back his hood and smiles at me.

"I had figured, what prompted that?"

" was a few things actually."

He looks at me puzzled. After being away for so long, I can't help but tell him everything that's been happening. The rumors, my new core class, and even the Spark that's been stalking me.

"Seems like Matthew has lost control of the campus entirely. I'm sorry you've had to suffer because of it," Caiden says, placing a kind hand on my shoulder. I lean into him. His hand pulls me in closer and I savor the comfort.

"Do you always come here for the camellias?" I ask.

"Every day, as a tribute to a friend I lost."

"What happened?"

"We went to the living world before the portal was closed, to take care of some things. I was gathering some books and Catherine, my friend, went off somewhere. Time was running out, so I came back, and she...stayed."

He looks out towards the stream and kicks a rock into it.

"Maybe she wanted to stay. To live the rest of her life," I say. I can't blame anyone who would. It's an attractive proposition, something I'd be tempted to take too. Caiden shifts uncomfortably.

"No. She wouldn't have. Something had to have happened to make her stay. I know you don't understand this Elizabeth, but I can tell. I can still feel her out there, somewhere. And it's been stronger, ever since you appeared."

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