Chapter 29

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After our war meeting at Matthew's house, he took me back to the underground chamber for sparring practice, which was as fun as it was yesterday. On the upside, I got back to my room early enough to soak in the tub to get rid of the ink marks that covered my body.

Putting Matthew in charge of finding a solution to our problem was our only option, and that fact makes me uneasy. He hasn't been forthcoming with information since I've known him. And he laughed a little too much during training today too. He must've already thought of a plan, but what could it be?

I look over at my watch on the counter. Dinner time. Alright. Let's see what his plan is.

When I get to the hall, I'm one of the first. Do I really want to go in there? Ugh. I look to the path behind me. Students are beginning to show up. Damn. I head inside and take my seat at the staff table. The tide of students slowly flows into the building and begins to fill the seats.

"Early today?"

"Yes, good evening dean. Can I get you a glass of water?" I walk over with the table's pitcher and top off his glass.

"Evening," Ynez says as he takes his seat. I go over and fill his glass as well. Two minutes before 6 and all the tables in the hall are filled, except for ours. Matthew still isn't here. Did he go to the council or meet up with Hercules?

Hercules comes through one of the side doors and takes his seat next to me. He digs into the wine crate and pulls out a fresh bottle.

"Sorry about class today, sir."

He grunts but doesn't say anything more. Guess it could be worse.

"Where is your facilitator? The council again?" Tiffany asks.

I'm mid-shrug when the dean adds, "No, the next meeting should be tomorrow."

"Well, where the hell..."

The doors at the entrance of the hall open, and there he is. There he is with April hanging onto his arm.

"Is it that time of the decade again?" Tiffany sneers.

"Must be and it looks like April gets to be the lucky lady," Ynez says.

I join the rest of the room in watching the two while they ascend the stairs to our table.

"Hey everyone," April says in her overtly cheery tone.

"April is joining us for dinner as my guest," Matthew explains.

"We can see that, but where do you plan to sit?" Tiffany says. The table is packed, and there's only a single place setting left. Matthew ignores her and turns to me.

"Elizabeth," he says.

"Yes sir?"

"You'll be sitting with the lower staff tonight. Get going."

I stand and haphazardly step over the bench. I can't believe he's giving away my seat and banishing me to the lower tables. I find the table at the base of the stairs. It's longer than the one I just left and stuffed with professors. While the staff at my usual table is comprised of department heads, this table includes the rest of the staff. Some of which are not big fans of mine.

I scan the long table for an open seat. I find the only one available and, as fate would have it, it's right next to Korma.

We exchange obligatory greetings as the first course is served. Even though I'm at a new table, my diet still stands and it's painfully obvious how different my plate is. It must not be common knowledge on campus since the professors nearest to me are eying my plate. Especially Dr. Salinas, the folklore professor and only professor on campus to hold a living world doctorate, who was so puzzled by it she actually cleaned and adjusted the red frames on her face. Twice for each course.

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