Chapter 24

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I'm shoving my door open when I remember that Matthew had tampered with my watch and I have twenty extra minutes to prepare for dinner. I strip and jump into the shower. Last to come off is the gold watch. I run it under the water and dry it off. It sparkles and continues ticking away. Matthew was right, this thing can take some damage.

That man.

How could he keep all of that information from me? So much for being family, he's treating me like I'm his unwanted stepdaughter. Everything I've ever known about him, I've heard from others. And this is the guy I'm supposed to trust with my existence, the one employed by the people whom I'm meant to fear.

The lake muck rinses down the drain without issue but when I get out of the shower, I still feel dirty. I wrap myself in my towel and nearly trip coming out of the tub. Dang, my mind is in such a fog right now. I'll make myself some tea to decompress before dinner, hopefully that'll help.

I exit the bathroom to find Matthew sitting at my desk. I freeze. Why didn't he tell me he was in here?

"I tried. You didn't answer," he says, looking away.

"Well, I'm kinda naked, so can you leave?" I say.

"No. We need to talk. Get dressed, quickly."

So much for having a cup of tea.

"And tea would be nice," Matthew adds.

I internalize a groan, grab a fresh set of clothes, and retreat into the bathroom. What could he think was so important that he'd come before dinner? Maybe he found out about the money I spent at Flynn's, or what happened in class today. It must be something important since usually he just waits until after. Whatever. I pull my dress over my head and walk back into the room.

Matthew stays silent as I set a pot of water on the hot plate and sit in my usual spot on my bed. He won't even look me in the face.

"So..." I start for him.

He sighs and finally focuses his eyes on me.

"I've heard you've been...busy since I've been away from campus."

Busy? "Well, yeah. Can't slack off just because you're away, right?"

The kettle begins to whistle, so I get up and grab the two mugs from my closet. Not a moment too soon, it's hard not to crack under his intense stare.

"That isn't what I meant. There have been some rumblings around campus about you."

"Rumblings?" I hand him a cup and offer him a tea bag. I set mine beside him on the desk. What could he possibly be talking about?

Oh. Those 'rumblings'.

"They're just rumors," I say, dunking my tea bag with vigor.

"Are they? I heard you were seen today with someone in the garden," he takes a sip of the tea and frowns into the cup, "and you were removing your clothes."

My eyes widen. I don't remember seeing anyone in the garden today, how could he know I was there with Caiden?

Matthew sets the cup on the desk and folds his face in his hands.

"My god, it's true. And him of all people?"

I bolt up from my seat.

"I don't know what you've heard, but it's nothing but a bunch of lies. I'm not like that, but even if I was, which I'm not, it wouldn't be any of your business anyway. I'm a grown woman, remember?" I say and stomp over to the door.

He spins around in the seat.

"It is very much my business when you go off academy grounds, you'd know that if you had read the handbook."

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