Chapter 43

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When I wake up, all I see is a dark expanse in front of me. It's impossibly dark, but the ground gives off a blue glow that is just enough to make out the shapes surrounding me. The ground is cold and is covered in blue tufts of grass. In front of me are large walls of black that have paths of blue running through them. Behind me is the trunk of some kind of large tree.

I look to my side and find Matthew lying next to me. I shake him gently until his eyes open.

"Elizabeth? What's wrong?"

Tears begin to wet my cheeks. Matthew looks around us, then back at me. His shoulders deflate, but he forces a smile onto his face.

"Everything's okay, don't cry. I'm going to get you back to the academy, just leave it to me."

I don't understand how he puts up with me screwing things up all the time. I want to go home, truly I do, so what could've gone wrong? He said only I could get us back and that isn't going to change because he feels sorry for me.

"But, how do you plan to do that?"

"Yes, I was wondering the same thing," a voice above us says.

I look up and see a man perched at the top of a lone tree branch. Matthew stands and takes a few steps in front of the tree to get a better view. I follow behind him.

"Long time no see, Matthew."

"Same to you, Fate."

Wait, is that the Fate? Like one from Greek mythology? From what I can see from down here, it looks like he has both eyes. And he's a lot younger than I would expect.

"It's a pleasure to see you again as well, Elizabeth."

Again? I don't remember seeing him before. Oh. This was probably a memory Matthew had erased. So we were in the middle of Topside and Near Elysium after all.

Fate swings his legs in the air.

"So, you said you were trying to get back to Near Elysium? Now, how could you do that without a portal?"

"You know how. Please, just lead Elizabeth through the maze so she can get back," Matthew says.

"Asking for more favors? You already owe me a great debt, Matthew, how do you plan to pay for this one?"

Matthew tosses a bottle of water up the tree and Fate catches it without having to move. He looks the water over in his hands and takes a sip.

"This doesn't quite foot the entirety of the bill, does it?" he says, dropping the bottle back down the tree.

Matthew's hands ball into fists.

"I'll keep my promise to you as long as you help her get back."

What is he saying? He's making it sound like he won't come back with me. No, I can't imagine facing the academy without him and Caiden both.

Matthew takes my hand and squeezes it. I wish it were more reassuring, but it feels a lot like a goodbye.

Fate looks to the starless sky.

"I'll tell you what, I'm feeling...charitable. I will lead you to the portal, but, you have to get rid of the monster outside of it."

"Monster?" I say.

Fate waves his hand. "Some poor soul went and got themselves trapped here. Souls tend to...sour when they stay here too long. So, if you get rid of the monster, I can dispatch the soul, and you two can try your luck at getting the portal to work."

Matthew looks down and doesn't say anything. Why is he hesitating? This deal means we'd both get to go back, why would he want to stay here? Fate just said souls couldn't stay here without becoming monsters, we have no choice but to do this.

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