Chapter 26

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Being in Matthew's house is weird. Everything is so tidy and cozy, but Matthew's unwelcoming nature makes it more intimidating than it should be. I don't know why, but I never pegged Matthew as the sort to live like this. He's definitely put together, but to have a decorative cover for the tissue box on the coffee table is another level entirely. I can't even spot a grain of sand or speck of dust on the wood floors.

There are some watercolor paintings on the walls, all landscapes and nothing abstract. A plain shaggy brown rug lays under an overstuffed red couch. Not at all what I would expect from an eternal bachelor.

I'm still in the doorway, taking everything in as Matthew removes his jacket and places it on a coat rack.

"Can I get you a glass of water?"

I shake my head. "I'm fine. I can wait here while you get what you need," I say. My palms are sweaty and all I'm doing is standing in his doorway. I don't need to go any further than this.

"Don't be weird, follow me."

I hesitate, then do as he says.

We pass the red couch and then a small table and two chairs. We go down a short hallway where he opens the door for me.

"This is your new classroom, take a seat."

I step into the dark room, my heart pounding at the walls of my chest. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I can't help but be jumpy after everything that happened last night and honestly, I'm not sure I can really trust Matthew.

His shoulder brushes mine as his steps echo forward. With a woosh, the room is bathed in light. It's a small library, with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, a fireplace, a leather reading chair, and an executive desk in front of bay windows.

Matthew ties the curtains back and looks at me. He gestures to the leather chair. I sit in it and breathe a sigh of relief. He rolls a whiteboard from a closet and locks it in place in front of the desk before sitting on its surface.

"Welcome to your core class," he says, stretching his arms.

"You're going to teach me?"

He gives me a look that says 'What else would we be doing here'.

Well, that changes things.

I perk up in my seat.

"What are you going to teach? Is it magic?"

He looks at me dubiously.

"No. You're going to be learning something that's actually useful." He grumbles something about Caiden that I can't quite make out. Then he leans over his desk and grabs a folder.

"So does this core class come with an allowance?"

"You would need to develop usable skills if you want to get paid and looking at your performance thus far, you may consider this a remedial class."

I slump forward. Damn.

"I thought core classes were like job training for after graduation," I say.

"The likelihood of you graduating is close to zero, and that's being generous. Instead, we're going to focus on making your stay here more bearable."

More bearable for me or him?

"So, it's been over a week since you've arrived, besides the incident that happened last night, how have things been?"

I raise an eyebrow at him.


"Well, my week has not been particularly good. And considering your newfound attachment to the little librarian and your plans to run away, I think it's fair to say our situation needs work."

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