Meeting new people

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Aarohi was in UK with Aaryaman.

Today they went to Aaryaman's office. 

The office was situated in a big commercial building.

Aaryaman opened the doors for Aarohi.

His friends who were also his colleagues knew about Aarohi, how would they not know when someone doesn't stop talking about her.

They all came out and greeted her.

Aarohi also knew a bit about them but she has never met them before.

Aman, the tech brain of the company, hailed from Delhi.

Saurabh, the financial manager, was from West Bengal.

Aaron, the HR head, was a local in UK.

This little group of 4 boys came together after completing their MBAs and build this company.

Aarohi found that they all had really different personalities, this shocked her. She asked them how they were able to befriend each with such contrasting personality.

Aaryaman: Just the way you and Aarvi got together. 

Aarohi scratch her head feeling embarrassed. That's right, nothing can be more contrasting then her and Aarvi's personalities.

After a while, everyone went back to work and Aaryaman brought Aarohi to his cabin and made her sit on his chair. 

Aaryaman: Wanna talk about something?

Aarohi: Well, I have to go back. I need to go for the graduation ceremony and get my degree.

Aaryaman: Don't worry, I will come with you?

Aarohi: You must be busy.

Aaryaman: Well, I am not. We are all prepared to be back in India. We are even clearing up the office. 

Aarohi: Oh

Aaryaman: Will you go to Goenka house?

Aarohi: No, I brought out all of my important documents. I will just take my degree and go to Jodhpur.

Aaryaman: Jodhpur?

Aarohi: Hm, after MD, I have to join a hospital. Since we are going to live in Jodhpur, I will start working there only.

Aaryaman: Oh. When is the ceremony?

Aarohi: Next week.

Aaryaman: Ok, I will book tickets. 

Aarohi: Book a hotel too.

Aaryaman: I have a house there. Remember?

Aarohi: Oh.

Aaryaman laughs and Aarohi try to change the topic.

Aarohi: Can I help you with something?

Aaryaman: Maybe give me a full body checkup.?

Aarohi: That's not needed. You are fine. 

Aaryaman: How do you know?

Aarohi: I checked you earlier.

Aaryaman: When ?

Aarohi: I won't tell you. 

Aarohi starts giggling.

Aaryaman thinks: How I wish, this smile should never leave your face. I hate to see you crying and me being able to do nothing.

Aarohi: Maan!

Aaryaman comes out of his thoughts.

Aarohi: Where were you lost?

Aaryaman: In you.

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