Hi again!

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Hey guys! I am back.

Yet to recover completely but was able to edit some drafts. 

There will be irregular updates for a week but we will be back on track next week.

And sorry @Aditya_Rathore and @ktripathi

The stories based on your ideas were supposed to be uploaded soon but that won't happen now. You might have to wait for a month or two now or if you want I can start the stories but updates will be not so frequent....once a week or once in two weeks are the only possible schedules.

I haven't been able to do anything last week and the upcoming week will also not be productive enough. So, I won't be able to make much time for this. 

But don't worry...

The updates of my new stories might be late but will surely appear. I don't plan on leaving the platform anytime soon. 

So keep looking out for more interesting stories. 

Now back to the ongoing story.

Precap: Maan and Ruhi had a sweet and funny chat.

For refreshing the story in your mind read it again!

The chapter is coming...

it will arrive today.

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