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               "You pinky Promise?"

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               "You pinky Promise?"

What? What just happened?

I stare at the warm water of the pool, looking at the ripples that my feet made by splashing. Allistar made me feel a way that I never felt before, a way that my parents never made me feel.

Maybe he wants me to feel that, make me feel that way because he lives alone?

My mind flashes back to the day I met him, it felt so random. I don't know how it even exactly happened. I just went with him. It felt almost like just his presence was just calling me, like luring me into his rough arms.

I'm not exactly complaining though, he does everything for me. He buys me clothes, he cooks for me. And plus, he's.... He's somewhat— somewhat attractive...

My face turns hot and flustered. I pull my feet of the pool, deciding that I'll just take a walk around the rest of the house to clear my mind.

I find a towel on one of the beach chairs, and i dry off my feet and put my socks back on.

I feel the heat from my cheeks, but I ignore it and leave the room. I walk down the long halls once again, amazed on how much rooms this house even has.

There was still furniture, tables with statues and vases. One particular vase caught my eye, it being completely clear glass but had paintings of flowers and tree branches.

I observed it, looking at all the different flowers on it. It was beautiful, like it was asking me to come touch it, even if it just for a little.

My hands graze it, tracing over the branches painted and the petals of the flowers.

What does it look like at the back?

I pick it up, and turn it around. It looked the same, the same flowers and branches.

I was expecting it to be different....

I was going to place it back down, carefully and perfectly—


What just happened...? Did I...?

I looked down at the beautiful vase, now in pieces on the floor. My heart starts to beat faster, as I stare at the mess I created.

What.. what do I do?!
What is Allistar— what is he going to think?!

I bend down to try pick some pieces up, but my hand gets scraped on one of the big glass shards. I look at the bleeding cut, and tears start to fall out of my eyes.

"I need... I need.. I need a broom!" I say in between sobs.

I leave the mess on the floor, carefully going around the glass shards to find a broom.

I rush down the never ending hall to try to find the kitchen. The only thing I was thinking of while running was Allistar's reaction.

What if he kicks me out..?

I run even faster, hoping to get that out of my mind. I run past the staircase upstairs, then realize that I'm near my destination.

Wait... Is this the kitchen?

I quickly enter the kitchen, to see the broom and dustpan beside the kitchen counter. I pick it up and run with it, but I try to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt with it.

I need to hurry up! Before—! Before Allistar gets home!

I reach the mess once again, and carefully sweep the broken and shattered glass shards off the floor.

I felt the string of the cut as I swept the glass, feeling the blood running down my fingers. I didn't care though, as I was trying to get this mess out of the way.

Eventually, every shard of the vase got swept into the compartment of the dustpan. I look at the glass pieces, seeing my blurry reflection in them while frowning.

How can something so beautiful turn into that?

It made me sad and frustrated, how could I be so clumsy with someone as expensive and important?

I walk to the kitchen once again, being careful not to spill anything on the marble floor. Me being in my thoughts, the walk wasn't as long as it was before.

I carefully put them in the garbage, and look at my scraped bloody hand.

I should wash it! Mama always washed my cuts!

I walk over the the sink, and turn the tap on. I rinse over the cut, wincing every now and then cause of the pressure of the water. I turn the tap off, and dry my hand with a paper towel.

Most of the blood was gone, but the red scar still lingered on my hand. It hurt a little, but nothing unbearable.

Then, I heard the door open.

Hi Sunshine's! I'm back😤

I know y'all were waiting for a long time, I'm very sorry! September was a busy month Jesus 🙆‍♀️

Im really sorry, I will try my best to post chapters more frequently, but I can't promise 👀

Anyways, are y'all ready for who's coming? Cuz I'm not😭

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