I Like,Like Love You

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When the excitement of their trip back from the Ultra Space dies down, Ash inevitably bursts into tears.

Ash had burst into tears after Nebby left, too, so at this point it probably shouldn't have come as a surprise. But seeing him break down in both of the Professors' arms while he attempted to explain why Poipole wasn't with him did uncomfortable things to Gladion's stomach, twisting and tying it into harsh knots.

The feeling rises all the way up to his throat and tightens it so much that he can't speak, his entire body feeling heavy with emotion.

There's just something about witnessing someone he cares about so deeply cry their heart out, all raw and open and without any restraint, that makes his own heart feel like it's breaking in two. Just like when Lillie had cried during the Nihilego attack, or the even blurrier memories of his mother's wrenching sobs when his father had disappeared.

A desperate part of him wants to go over and comfort Ash, but he knows it's not his place. Besides, the Professors seem to have it handled just fine, with Kukui rubbing soothing circles into the teen's back and Burnet whispering soft encouragements into his ear.

Even Pikachu is chipping in, though he looks just as upset about their separation from Poipole as his Trainer. Ash is still hiccuping noisily but things have quieted down a bit, at least enough for him to breathe between bouts of tears.

Gladion might be hovering a bit too close, but it doesn't feel right to just leave Ash like this. He's not letting his friend out of his sight until he's sure he's 100% okay.

Naturally, the first person to pick him out in the crowd of people is Lillie. His sister has a weird, innate sense of when something is bothering him, and always happens to pop in when he's busy having an emotional crisis. Which, as of late, has been happening way more often, though he's loath to admit it.

"Brother," she calls, and he jumps, almost colliding his head with Noivern's, who is preening its wings.

With a slight scowl Gladion manages to drag his gaze away from the Kukui family group hug and focus on his own family, who at least seems a bit apologetic for spooking him. Vulpix is right at her heels, giving a quiet chirp in greeting.

Lillie follows where he'd been looking a second ago and smiles, that knowing, soft one that can only spell certain doom. She's way too perceptive for her own good sometimes, and she has the privilege of being the only person able to fully read him.

"Are you worried about Ash?" She asks, and yup, there it is.

With a sigh Gladion drags gloved fingers through his hair, which had been thoroughly tangled after getting tossed around like a ragdoll by Necrozma a couple times too many.

At this point there's really no sense in lying to her-she'll be able to tell either way.

"He's been like that for a good fifteen minutes," he offers, and by 'that' he means crying fitfully in a tone full of raw anguish. "I just...want to make sure he's okay."

Instead of teasing him like he expects her to, Lillie nods her head in agreement.

"He'll be alright, don't worry. Ash bounces back from things like this quite quickly."

"That's the part that worries me," he mumbles, eyes darting over to the dark-haired Trainer again.

Lillie giggles, the sound light and airy.

"You care about him a lot, don't you?"

Gladion sputters at that, his ears warming, and tries to play it off.

"Well, I mean-he's my rival, so..."

"And your friend, and someone you admire and care for a great deal," she adds, quite confidently.

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