Chapter 1

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(Maria By Justin Bieber)

Roxanne's Pov

The music pounded throughout the building. I showed my fake ID to the bartender, and he went to work on getting me a drink. My friends were all piled around, some were dancing, some were talking, and others were making out with strangers.

Then there was me, getting drinks because I was trying to forget about the boyfriend I left at my apartment. Jaxon isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and I know that I could totally do better. But what if I liked the attention he was giving me?

What if I just wanted someone to want me? Even though he's not the best person ever, he wants me. I grabbed the plastic cup from the bartender, offering him a sweet smile before turning my back.

"Maria!" My friend yelled over the music looking at me.

This is my favorite party song. It's my middle name, so it's pretty understandable why it's my favorite party song. My friend, Mckenna, twirled me around. I pushed my body up against her, feeling the music pulse through my veins as she laughed.

People whistled around us, but I could care less. The silver sparkly dress hugged my body, with big chunky heels to match. Whenever I went out with Jaxon I never wore heels because he was shorter than me, so when I went out with my friends I loved being able to finally wear heels again.

Short men issues.

I rolled my eyes at the thought as I felt Mckenna turn me to face her. Mckenna and I met when Jaxon and I met. Reason why, Mckenna is Jaxons sister. Mckenna has been such an amazing friend in the past year I've known her.

I got to know her before I started dating her brother. She warned me to run, and I should've but god I loved the attention and the way he made me feel.

He made me feel like I was a star. He was right by my side when I had to move all of my stuff out of my apartment and into my brothers. He was the first person to show up when I got doxxed.

"Hey sweetheart." A guy came up to Mckenna and I, before I smiled at him.

He was shorter than me. It's hard to find a man that's taller than you, and even if i do, they aren't tall by much which means that i still can't wear heels around them because of their own insecurities.

"Aren't you handsome?" I said, looking him up and down.

"How old are you?" Mckenna asked the guy, and I smiled.

"20. I have a fake ID." I turned my back and started to dance again.

"What?" The guy asked me once I faced them again.

"I don't date young guys." I shrugged, taking a sip of my almost empty drink.

"Why don't I try to change your mind?" My phone buzzed in my bra. I took it out, looking at the text message. I let out a huff of disappointment.

"I've gotta go. See you later, hermosa." I said before kissing Mckenna's cheek.

She started to dance with our other friends as I made my way out of the club. People stared at me as I walked by. I walked with power and confidence. I knew what I was capable of, and I knew how good I looked.

I scoffed as I looked at my brother, leaned on his motorcycle, probably texting his girlfriend. I walked over to him, people whistled at me and I loved it. Maybe that's why I love streaming. I love being the center of attention.

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