Chapter 4

514 11 42

(Already Mine By Sam Short)

Roxanne's Pov

TW - Arguing

I felt my heart beat as I woke up to the door opening. I sat up, swinging my feet off of the side of my bed and quickly jumped up. Who the hell is in my apartment? My head was going a million miles a minute.

Was my address leaked again?

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled as Jaxon stumbled into my apartment.

"It's five in the morning, and you're just coming in now? Piss drunk too?" I stood with my arms folded and he rolled his eyes.

"No! Get the fuck out!" I screamed, and he just walked towards my couch. He fell onto it, kicking his feet up. I groaned in anger, and walked over to him.

"Get out, Jaxon. I don't have the time for this." I pleaded and he looked up at me.

"Shut the fuck up, will you?" As quick as the words came out of his mouth, he stood up quickly.

"Are you kidding me?! In my own fucking house!" I laughed bitterly, and he tried to grab me.

"Come on, Roxanne, I didn't mean it." I rolled my eyes, wanting him to shut up.

I was only asleep for not even two hours and then he came rushing into my apartment. He's crazy if he thinks I'm going to let this shit always happen. The anger boiled my blood, a lot. I've never been so angry in my life.

"I'm so tired of you always yelling at me. I'm allowed to be my own person right? I let you be your own person." He spoke with sadness in his voice and suddenly I could feel the lump form in my throat.

"I'm leaving." I turned my back to him and started walking towards my room.

"Roxanne, I'm sorry. I'll go." His arms wrapped around me, hugging me.

"I didn't mean to barge in like that and scare you. You know I love you." He spoke, causing me to hum in response, not having the energy to fight with him, or anyone at this point.

"I hate when you do that. Especially lately since my address was leaked. That isn't cool, Jax." I ran my hand down my face, making sure no tears fell from my eyes.

I refuse to cry. I haven't cried in front of someone in years. I haven't cried in years, not even by myself. I thought for a long time that I didn't have emotions, but then I started to feel emotions with Jax, and here I am.

Even though I haven't cried, I know that I still have feelings because I have some sort of feelings for Jax. Maybe eventually I'll even love him, but right now I'm taking it one day at a time. I hate looking into the future because you never know what could happen.

"I'm sorry, babe. I forgot." He spoke sincerely, and I nodded.

"Don't do it again."

"I won't."

His arms dropped from around me, and I closed my eyes. There was no way I was going to cry over this man. I opened my eyes back up, making sure I was good. I always kept myself together though, and I vowed to myself that no man was ever going to break me.

"Let's go to bed." He said, and I nodded my head, following him to my room. I laid back down, and felt the other side of the bed sink in.

I curled up, hugging a pillow, and closed my eyes. I just wanted to sleep, I just wanted to forget about everything that is going on, and just breathe.


I woke up to pounding on my door. I got up with no care in the world, throwing my blankets off of me. I walked into my living room, and opened the front door of my apartment. A random person that I have never seen before smiled widely.


I felt myself freeze in fear as I stared at him.

"I've watched your streams for-"

"Dude what the fuck!? This is my apartment? This is my home, what are you doing here?!" I yelled, closing the door halfway.

"I'm such a big-"

I shut the door in his face and ran around my apartment. I opened my phone, seeing my location trending on twitter. I felt my world stop. I so desperately wanted to cry. This was one of the moments I didn't feel strong enough to handle any of this.

I rushed around my apartment, throwing clothes and things I wanted into a bookbag. By the time I was done, I put on my helmet and my gloves, rushing out of the apartment.


A group of probably 5 people yelled as I rushed down the hallway. I looked at the elevator, but went down the steps, skipping steps as I ran down them. I opened the door to the garage quickly, rushing to my bike.

With every step I was even more out of breath, but I couldn't stop. These people invaded my apartment, my safe space. I got on my bike and drove away before anyone could try to stop me. I sped out of there and down the street. I drove around for a little while before going to my brother's apartment.

Everything was so fucked. Who would do something like that to me?


I sat up, breathlessly in a panic and looked at Jaxon who was laying next to me

918 Words

Roxanne Where stories live. Discover now