Chapter 24

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(Chemtrails Over The Country Club By Lana Del Rey)

Schlatt's Pov

The music blared through the house. Corpse and I looked confused as we walked through the place. There were boxes littered all over the floor. Things were thrown around, there was little to no furniture.

"Roxanne?" Corpse called out.

I looked around the house, the gray walls, the white crown molding, it looked nice. It felt homey. Everything about it felt homey.

"Where the hell is she?" He grumbled, walking further into the house.

Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, random curls popping out of it. She was wearing my sweatpants that she's had since New York. She had on a tank top, her tattoo's on full display, and trust me I am staring.

Earrings dangled down from her ears instead of her normal silver hoops. Her PC was spread out in the kitchen instead of her trying to unpack her kitchen boxes.

"Are you serious?" Corpse said, rolling his eyes.
She looked over at us, being caught off guard by us being here. She wanted to unpack by herself for today, but I couldn't help wanting to visit. I couldn't help her not being in the same building as me.

I've grown so attached to her in the past couple weeks that it's hard to grasp the fact that I'm going to have to leave soon. My flight was booked for three days from now, and we still haven't talked about it.

We haven't talked about how we kissed.

It kept me up last night wondering if she regretted it. Wondering if she regretted kissing me. If she regretted meeting me, talking to me, and even just caring about me. She made me think about my confidence.

She had so much confidence and power, it was ten times more than mine. The way Roxanne was so carefree, the way she lived her life made me jealous.

"Schlatt?" She asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I blinked a couple times before looking around. Corpse was gone now, and she was standing right in front of me.

"Where did your brother go?" I asked, not wanting to be alone with her for too long.

Being alone with her was only getting me more and more attached to her. There was no escaping her, and I knew that, but there was no way that I was going to try. I watched the smile falter from her face as I looked down at her.

"He went to go get the rest of my stuff. He asked if you wanted to go, but you didn't answer." She turned her back and continued to put her desk together.

I let out a deep breath, walking over to her and grabbing what she was doing. I could see the frustration on her face, I could feel her anger.

"Wanna talk?" I asked, biting the bullet, why she was so angry.

"I don't know, do you?" She spun around, folding her arms, looking up at me with an unreadable look in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused at why she was directing her anger at me.

"Your acting like nothing happened-" She started and I felt the frustration start to build in myself.

"To be fair, you are too." I cut her off, and she looked caught off guard.

"Now you're avoiding me. I've been trying to have conversations, i took you to my favorite spot, i let you on my motorcycle, i let you come partying with me." She listed off reasons, and I rolled my eyes.

"I never asked for any of that." I responded, feeling the sting hit my heart, and I knew it hit hers.

"But don't act like you didn't like it." She spoke with venom, and anger filling her eyes.

No matter what, she was still beautiful.

"Fuck you." She said, laughing bitterly with an eye roll.

"Are you fucking serious right now? Your acting like-"

"A bitch?" She cut me off and I shrugged.

"You are jumping to conclusions, Roxanne."

"And to think I ever had feelings for you!" She screamed, her hands slapping down.


"I don't deserve to be treated like this." She opened her front door and I walked outside.

"You don't deserve to be treated like this? Roxanne, I treated you so well, you're the one who is ruining it. Maybe that's why you stayed with Jaxon for so long, because you couldn't handle actually having something good." The door shut in my face with a slam, the sound of the lock clicking.

"Fuck you, Schlatt." Her voice was muffled through the door.

"Come on, Roxanne." There was silence and I ran my hands down my face.

"Find me when you realized that you are a dumbass." I pulled out my phone, calling an uber before I sat on the sidewalk.

The rain started to pour down on me as I sat there waiting. By the time I was in the uber I was soaked, and by the time I was Corpse's apartment, he had just gotten to Roxanne's house.

When I had grabbed all my things and got to my uber, pulling out of the parking garage, he was pulling in and rushing upstairs. When I had made it to the airport, I had no idea where he was.

When I got on my plane, it was just me.

How I always liked it, and how I always should leave it.

I'm not bound to have anyone, or anything good.

Everything I touch

Everything I grasp

Everything I get a hold of

Always crushes into small little pieces.

942 Words

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