Chapter 15

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(Thru Your Phone By Cardi B)

Roxanne's Pov

"Remember to call me when you get home. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be on my first flight out." Matteo hugged me and I felt the loneliness already start to set in.

"Have fun in New York." I said, looking at the three boys and one girl behind him.

"It was nice meeting you all." I smiled softly, connecting my airpods to my phone.

"You too." Ted said with a smile.

"Be safe, Roxanne. I mean it, call me if you need anything." I smiled and nodded my head, putting my headphones in.

I turned my music up as I walked through the airport. People moved out of my way, as I stood in line for my plane. The group waved bye to me as I boarded the plane. My nerves skyrocketed with being by myself in such a public setting, so I put my hood up.

I sat down in my seat, closing my eyes and wishing that this flight would be over. The memories from the Halloween party flushed my memories. I couldn't remember much after dancing with Schlatt and then getting drunk, but I know it was the time of my life. I know I had so much fun with Schlatt, and my mind never went to Jaxon once.


I unlocked my door, and stepped inside of my apartment. My heart dropped, and that bad feeling crept up. The phone ringing never stopped, as I dropped my bag in the doorway after closing and locking my door.

The mess around my apartment. The countless amounts of solo cups, plates, streamers, balloons. I grabbed a trash bag, and started to clean my apartment. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't let myself.

Once my apartment was cleaned I walked into my bedroom, and saw Jaxon sprawled out across my bed. I looked at the amount of his clothes that littered my floor. His phone rang again, and I was getting extremely frustrated.

I picked it up, looking at the texts.


Are you done at her house yet?
You've been there all weekend, i'm tired of it
She's such a bitch why are you even still dating her
She takes your freedom away
She makes you insecure.
I miss you Jaxon
Ever since the work party and we started dating
But now your making me regret taking that chance with you
I can't believe your dating Red instead of me
I unfollowed her on everything
Not a fan anymore after everything
you've said she has done to you
I love you

I scrolled up more, seeing countless texts of Jaxon cheating on me. I felt everything that I've ever known, completely and utterly shattered..
Welcome home.

I threw his phone down on the bed next to him, but he didn't wake up. He wouldn't because I know he's drunk. I grabbed a blanket, and sat on the couch. My whole world was spinning. I hit the call button on the familiar name.

Matteo didn't answer, so I clicked the name I knew was with him, and that would answer. I don't know why I'm calling him, but the last time he talked about Jaxon and how I deserved better, it made me feel like I deserved better.

"What?" Schlatt said, and I felt my head spin.

"I hate you. I don't even know why I'm calling you of all people. Probably because of the night of the party but-" I rambled, and I heard a loud sigh.

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