Chapter 7

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The scent of someone new. I didn't recognise this scent. A man. Gunmetal. Gun powder. Sweat. An accent I didn't recognise. I lunge for the man, noticing him recoil as the scent of fear fills my nose. The scent of fear encourages me to lunge for him again. As the chain and collar jerked on my neck holding me back, the scent of fear receding, but ai could still sense it. I wanted to wrap my teeth around it. I wanted to taste the fear. I growled and snapped my teeth, angry that I was restrained. The man continued to talk to me, but the words sounding strange. A small distant thought interrupted my base instincts. Scottish. I ignored it as I continued to strain against my bindings. All too soon the sweet scent of fear was gone as the man left. Scenting the air and remaining hints of fear but without the presence of the stranger I settle back down growling intermittently.

All too soon another stranger had entered through the door. The scent of cigar smoke overwhelmed my senses. This man was more cautious than the first, his soft voice cooing, trying to be soothing. I hesitated, the scent of cigars throwing me momentarily as human thoughts swirled through my mind before being silenced again by the ravenous need to rip tear and rend flesh. I lunge for the man. More confident than the first. Only the smallest hint of fear rippling through his scent before disappearing completely. Snarling at the man, I continue to strain against my chain, trying to get that sweet scent of fear back, to no avail. He continues to be soft. I growl, frustrated. All too soon, this man is retreating too. The familiar scent of my captor by the doorway. I hate him most. But I love him too. He keeps me jailed. But he never smells of fear. He brings me treats. Though he was the tastiest treat. The smell of pain and blood when I bit him once, thrilled and excited the wolf in me. I growl in warning as the doctor peers in. He shakes his head at me and I can scent his desolation. I whimper as the scent hits me and I curl up in my bed. I don't like the acrid way sadness tastes.

I hear the bolts on my door for the third time and ai remain in my bed still feeling the effects of my captors despair. Only for a new scent to hit me. Whiskey and cigarettes. I look up and see a skeleton. I growl softly in surprise only for the small human part of me to pipe up, *it's a mask, idiot* before that voice goes silent. This man smells of sweat and a confidence that no one else has had. I leap towards him, aiming for his throat. He's stopped so close. All he has to do is lean forward slightly and I'd be able to grab him. He stares down at me quietly, but I can hear my captor in the hallway. The man in front of me has no fear. He is calm, quiet. His heartbeat is a steady comforting presence. His calm demeanour flows through to me and I stop straining so hard against my chain. As I calm down, the man gives me space, he backs up. 

"Easy now, Soldier. No need for more aggression. I'm here to help, not to harm."

His voice is rough, a low grumble, but sincere. His words are the first I've understood for a while. It feels like forever since I've understood more than just smells and what I can see. I can feel myself trying to claw through to the surface of my intense instincts. The man's eyes are locked onto mine, his dark brown depths showing endless pools of empathy and a calm confidence. They flicker with recognition as I lock onto them. In that moment I know this is a man who would treat me as an equal, and not just as a belonging or weapon or inferior. What I am doesn't scare him. In that moment of clarity I make a snap decision and stop holding on so tightly to the instincts to bond. In that moment, I begin the process of choosing my handler. 

He stays for longer than the other two men, but once again I am dragged under by the sea of wolf instincts to be free, combined with being a soldier to rip tear and rend. The combination of this man's soothing confidence and the beginning of the bond starting to work however soothes these instincts to a small degree. After some time, even this man disappears and the loss of his presence is like a physical pain. I whine softly as the door is closed behind the captor and my chosen handler and I curl back up in my bed. That evening I have several packmates come and join me, carefully piling up around me. Their scent is comforting and soothing. They smell like home, but all too soon even they leave for the night and I'm left alone again.

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