Chapter 54

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I wake up to find Ghosts arm curled up around me, the weight of him pinning me to the bed. My sore and achy muscles protesting as I attempt to move, my struggles eliciting a groan from Ghost as he wakes. "Wolf?" He asks, voice thick with sleep. "Up," I demand and poke him in the ribs. He lifts his arm off of me and I scoot out and under, making me way to the bathroom. "Your arm was directly on my bladder," I complain on the way.

"Not my fault your so damn tiny."

"You don't need to pin me with your tree trunk arms either." I retort coming back out and climbing back into bed. "I'm already feeling like I had my muscles exploded, I don't need you to add to the feeling."

"You were wriggling in your sleep." He shrugged and pinned me back against him as I lay down on the bed. 

"So why are you pinning me now? I'm not asleep."

"No, but you should be, it's the middle of the night. I know you, you'll want to go train yourself ragged, or go wandering the halls. Go back to sleep Wolf." He yawned and for added emphasis threw a leg over mine, doubly pinning me like he was cuddling up with a giant teddy bear. 

"Ufff, Ghost" I whine. 

"Go to sleep."

"Ugh." Despite my complaining, the weight to my body in the form of Ghost was like deep compression therapy and I was asleep again almost immediately.

I woke up to buzzing on the bedside table early the next morning, I groan and attempt to move, only for Ghost to roll away and pick up his phone. My hearing picks up Soap on the other end. 

"How come I had to find out from Dr. Cooper she's awake again?" he demanded of Ghost. "Why did I not hear from her or you?" His scottish accent was thick and I could hear the anger coming through strong. Underlying that, I could hear the fear too. 

"Because after she woke up, we both immediately went to sleep."

"What? It was too fookin hard for yer to send me a text?"

"Soap," I sleepily mumble. "I'm sorry you only just found out, I didn't even know you'd been told what happened to me in the first place. I'm still barely conscious."

"Mo Uilebheist," His voice immediately softens as he speaks to me. "I'm not mad at you, lass. You've been through a lot."

"I know you're concerned, but please don't be mad at Ghost. He's in recovery too."

"Lass," Soap groaned, irritation in his voice clear now that he knew I was here. "I still should have been told. I've been worried sick for the last week."

"Soap, you should know better than anyone in the military of any branch, you're lucky to get any news." Ghost grumbled. 

"That's beside the point." 

"It's too early for this," I yawn. "Soap, I'm awake and I miss you. but can we go back to sleep now?" 

I could hear Soap muttering in Scottish away from the phone and ai could only assume he was swearing. 

"Sorry Lass. I thought I was only getting Ghost and didn't mind waking him up. I assumed he'd be up already to be honest."

"Yeah, normally we both would be, but we're both under strict bed rest."

"Shit, you injured Ghost that bad?"

"She did not. But Alejandro and Rudy have both confined me to strict bed rest while Wolf was injured anyway. I've had worse than a couple of broken ribs."

"Ghost, I threw you into a damn wall."

"And you snapped Gareth's neck and then ate him, I feel like I'm winning."

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