Chapter 57

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"Pup, listen to me." The familiar voice washed through my consciousness sending a cool flow through me like a fresh summer breeze. "Focus on my voice darling," My ears twitch, trying to locate the direction of the sound of my handler. 

"Ghost?" I whimper.

"Oh thank fucking christ darling. How are you doing?" The relief in his voice was palpable. 

"It hurts.." tears leap to my eyes as I try to talk through the pain that's still very present.

"I  know darling, I know. I heard you all the way from where I am. I can't get to you anytime quickly to help you. So I need you to listen to my voice yeah? Can you do that for me pup?"

"Uhemmm..." I agree.

"Ok, good girl. Now the good doctors assure me that the middle of the shift is the most painful. You need to go forwards, or backwards but staying like this is going to hurt. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I whisper.

"Alright. I need you to think back to right before you began the shift. What were you thinking about?"

"The sky, it's so beautiful and vast."

"Alright, pup. That's a good start. Start thinking about the sky again. Walk me through it. Why do you think the sky is so beautiful?"

I swallow hard, trying to wet my parched mouth. "The stars like glitter on a black velvet back drop."

I hear Ghost snort over the phone. "I never took you for being such a poet, pup. 

"Oh shut up!" 

"Continue walking me through it. I need you to shift, pup either forwards or backwards. So you need to go back to that spot you found when you began the shift."

"Ok," I agree, my voice barely above a whisper. My eyes are still closed, they never opened but I conjure the image I had been looking at as I began the shift. I saw the moon, a waxing crescent like a wide gap toothed smile in the sky, stars aplenty twinkling like thousands of glittery eyes.

Through the pain, I let myself sink further and deeper. I can feel the shift begin again. This time I don't fight the pain. I let the pain wash through me as my shoulders and hips dislocate, and relocate with the placement of new muscles and ligaments. I felt my face become larger and my body overall became heavier. I could hear a scream echoing through and slowly came to the realisation it was once again me. I could hear myself panting heavily, the occasional whine slipping between my lips as the breathing stretches and pulls on muscles I'd only experienced having once before, and didn't even remember having.

"Wolf, speak to me Wolf, tell me you're  ok."

"So demanding and bossy..." 

"I'll keep being demanding and bossy until you stop being a sarcastic brat."

"I'm not a sarcastic brat, you are."

"Well, if you have the energy to back talk me, you should be fine. I'm going to have a quick chat with Dr. Cooper, and then you need to come find me, ok?" 

"Ok, Ghost."

"Good girl."

Dr. Cooper took the phone and took it off of loudspeaker, stepping away to talk to Ghost. I ignored the pair of them, but I slowly became cognizant of hands running along my fur soothingly. 

"Ben?" I whisper.

"I'm here Ceri. What's up?"

"Just making sure that was you patting me."

War DogOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora