Chapter 80

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I lay on the cot, rolling my eyes as Dr. Andrew spoke to Ben through video call on my phone. Dr. Andrew was being every bit as pedantic as Ben required him to be in regards to my care. I turned my attention to Ghost who had followed me into the med tent to ensure I actually arrived this time and was currently sitting by my bed, his shirt pulled down for a medic to look at the shoulder that had been shot on our last mission. He'd popped several stitches. 

"The Konni group?" I asked, my gaze on his pinched expression as the medic re-stitched him up.

"Right." He growled. "A Russion PMC led by a man called Makarov. Or they were until just before you came on board. We had intel that he disappeared. We suspect Nolan, Makarovs 2IC got sick of Makarov and did away with his terrorist leader but nothing has been confirmed. Our aim with this foray has been to follow the breadcrumbs just to see who is at the top of the chain. If the Konni group is active with hybridisation testing we need to be high alert. A bad bunch, the Konni group. Chemical warfare, terrorism, blackmail, subterfuge of the highest degree. If they're adding DNA testing to the bunch we need to be prepared for... Unexpected outcomes."

"Are we looking at some resident evil type of shit?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow. Ghost just shakes his head.

"Who knows Wolf. Until you I didn't even think it was possible to end up with human/animal hybrids. I am well and truly out of my depth here. We should look at bringing Dr. Cooper on board with his research."

The hackles at the back of my neck raise and I growl, the attending medic, Dr. Andrew backing away with his hands up at my reaction. I hear Ben yelling at the medic to get a grip and to start examining me and that I'm not going to bite. Ghost huffs and I can tell he's smirking under his balaclava. 

"She might bite. A little nibble." He teases the doctor, and the doctor blanches not being able to tell if Ghost is joking underneath his deadpan voice and his face almost completely hidden by the balaclava. 

"I will not bite unless you put your hand somewhere it's not meant to be," I direct my words to the doctor, but my glare is reserved for Ghost. With my comment and Ben's urging, the doctor begins his examination. "Do we have to go to Dr. Cooper?" I ask, the bite in my tone from the pressure the doctor is applying to examine my lower abdomen. "You know what he did to me. To us. I just don't think we should jump into bed with the man."

Ghost sighs, cracking his neck as his tech finishes with him and he pulls his collar back up keeping himself covered. "Wolf, he is one of the leading scientists in the world of hybridisation. We would be fools to not use every resource at our disposal for this."

"Fine, but for the record," I hiss and tense under the doctors hands as he finds a particularly tender spot. "For the record," I repeat. "I don't like this at all."

"You don't have to like it. We're going to hit several more labs, see if there's any further intel to drain from here and then we're headed to Australia."

I grimace and growl both with irritation and pain. "Pass me to Ghost." I hear Bens voice on the phone, and Dr. Andrew passes the phone to Ghost.

"Ghost, one of the things we test for in terms of compatibility is blood types. You match Ceri perfectly. If she has internal bleeding as Shane suspects, she will need a blood transfusion. See to it that it happens."

"That must mean Gaz is also compatible," I say my voice loud enough to carry. 

"No, unfortunately Gaz is not compatible with either of you. Dr. Cooper did not deem it a priority when we had Shane urging us to consider allowing us to let him go with the 141. It was much more important to get Shane bonded, and we knew he'd refuse anyone not of the 141." I can hear the frustration in Bens voice. 

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