Chapter 75

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I sat in the helo, fidgeting with my claws as I await landing. Shane sitting across from me rolls his eyes at me and I can still scent the jealousy emanating from him. He'd taken one look at my mask and immediately demanded why he didn't get one. I'd stuck my tongue out at him only for Ghost to scruff me and drag me onto the helo and away from stirring up my brother. 

Gaz and Soap were talking about plans to visit their local pub when we were done on this mission while Price spoke with the pilot confirming the ETA was according to plans. Ghost sat in his usual stoic silence, keen eyes watching over his team. This would be the first time we'd truly get to operate together in a group setting and I was glad that our training together had been thorough. 

Price signalled to all of us to prepare for jump and I clicked out of my seat harness and stood up next to Ghost ready to move off on his signal. I checked my parachute was attached correctly and tightened a few straps to secure it more firmly to my body. I glanced at the rest of the team and watched them in their own preparation. Ghost got into position at the exit and I followed him with an ease that lied how ready I was. It had been far too long since I felt the exhilaration of a jump. While Shane and I were both qualified, it was not something we'd used a lot of in the ADF. Ghost stepped out of the helo like he was prepared for his feet to meet solid ground while I leapt out like a flying squirrel. The few moments of freefall, the air rushing past me ruffling my fur had me feeling giddy. Then it was time to deploy the chute. I pulled hard on the cords and felt my body jerk upwards as my movement was arrested by the chute. The descent down happened without incident, Ghost and I landing on the building we had come to clear out. 

I removed the parachute right behind Ghost and immediately moved up to the door. I flicked Ghost the signal, letting him know there was one behind the door. He confirmed, and I opened the door letting him sight down the hallway and he disappeared into the almost non-existent shadows, living up to his name. I hear the knife go whirling through the air, meeting it's mark with a quiet and deadly thunk.

I slip into the hallway after Ghost, my eyes finding him easily. We move through the hallway, bodies left in our wake, no one left behind to cause harm to Soap and Price who were due to move through after us to find the intel we had come to collect. Gaz and Shane were our sharpshooters and eyes from the outside. 

My focus remained on Ghost, keeping him in my sights as I  move along. My ears flick to a door, the sound of a deep breath drawing my attention. I open the door and leap, my already blood slicked coat gaining another layer of blood as I rip out the woman's throat with my teeth. Her gun clatters to the floor right before her body topples after it. My eyes snap to Ghost as I sense a change from him. Before he's already signalling to me I sneak out from the room on all fours, my eyes immediately finding the target problem. A corner. I creep up to the corner quietly my nose already having scented the familiar tang of gun metal and stale enemy. I reach around the corner, my instincts leading me to latch onto the gun and re-direct it before it can be shot. I slide my hand up and along, my nails ripping into forearm flesh and muscle. Even though most of my face is covered by the mask, the predatorial grin I give is obvious through the bared teeth  and the creasing of my eyes. The man I've latched onto opens his mouth to scream. Instead I jam my other fingers down his throat, my claws digging in from the inside and my thumb claw jammed through the bottom of his jaw. With my hand clamped shut holding the mans jaw hostage, I delight in his whimpers and muted screams of pain. I shove my foot against his sternum and as I kick away, I yank my hand backwards my claws shredding through his jaw until they meet bone and I hear his jaw dislocate with the force of the shove. His eyes widen in pain, or surprise. Probably both judging by the way his scent has become stronger with a mix of indicators. And the scream he lets out. 

Ghost ducks around the corner, clearly satisfied there's only one opponent and I'm dealing with it. He steps past me eyes flicking towards me and I can tell he's telling me to hurry up and to get the enemy to stop screaming so much. I let go of the mans hand and use the claws to swipe towards his throat, dismantling his vocal cords and I drop him completely to bleed to death.

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