Chapter 40

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I woke up to two men bickering by the door of the room. I felt like I'd been drowned and then run over by a truck. 

"You were meant to intervene if they went too far, damnit Johnny."

"I was trying. They didn't exactly make it easy for me Ghost. And don't act like you're the only one who loves her."

"Don't act like you have any say in the matter after the way you acted after Afghanistan Johnny. She might have forgiven you but I sure as hell haven't, and you haven't on yourself any favours here either."

I groan slightly as I open my eyes to the piercing lights above, quickly shutting them again. My groan alerts both of them to my consciousness. 

"Wolf?" Ghost asks, his voice soft and gentle as he makes his way to my side. He picks up my hand, holding it firmly in his. I peer out between scrunched eyelids to see the familiar and comforting skull mask I had come to adore, along with the man behind it. 

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I ask, my voice scratchy and thin after the abuse it'd suffered when they electrocuted me. It's mean pretending to have amnesia, but it's payback for the half a dog joke he'd made on the way up. His expression crumbles in disbelief and I can scent Johnny nearby, his scent bitter with sadness and heartbreak. 

"I'd suggest maybe you should get an identical wardog to assist with your grief. But what would you do with two dead wardogs?" I grin, pleased with my own dead dog joke considering what I'd just been through. I can only feel Ghosts disbelief rise and Soap hiccups in distress.

"Fucking hell, Wolf. Is this really the time to be playing a fucking prank?" Ghost growls, relief flooding the room. 

"I thought it appropriate considering I woke up to the pair of you bickering in my door like an old married couple." I squeeze Ghosts fingers reassuringly but weakly. 

"Damnit, Mo Uilebheist. I fucking watched you die and that's how you greet us?" 

I turn to face Soap, his distress clear as day even to someone without sensitive smelling ability. 

"Soap," I hum softly, reaching out my other hand only to find it trapped once again beneath IV's. He understands though and comes up beside me taking my other hand gently. "I'm a tough cookie. The moment I stop being a smart ass at inopportune times, I really will be dead." 

Soap snorts and I can sense some lingering tension and pain hanging onto him, but nothing I can do about that. 

"So I really did die?" I ask softly. 

"Hmmm, Dr. McKenzie says your heart gave out. They loaded you up too far. Too high an ampage. They went directly against McKenzies orders and wanted to see how far they could push you. Turns out your limits when it come to electrocution are less than a standard female soldiers ability to tolerate electrocution."

"Huh, good to know, I suppose. Don't get electrocuted when being tortured." 

"Lass, just make sure you don't get captured yeah?" 

"I'll try not too. No promises though." I look back to Ghost. "Do I have to undergo anything else?" He shakes his head and relief floods me. 

"No. You were meant to undergo another three days, but considering the circumstances, Captain Price and Laswell are both here and ripping apart the Captain in his office for his men letting you die in the first place. I think your doctor called Dr. Cooper to inform him about the testing and the Australian SAS research facility and SAS Regimental Sergeant Major has been on the phone harassing both of the Captains too. Price is not pleased to have the Australian RSM on his arse and is taking it out on the other man quiet harshly. I think Laswell is just enjoying watching Price rip into the Captain. I could imagine her with a glass of pinot Grigio in hand like she's watching her favourite reality TV show on a Friday night."

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