Chapter 73

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"When the hell have you had a chance to buy  a house, Wolf?" Ghost is looking at me incredulously like I just told him I have a second head.

"You've been busy chasing down leads. I may have taken your keys when you weren't looking a couple of weeks ago to go follow up on an inspection. I signed the paperwork at the end of the week. I've had contractors coming and going for the last couple of weeks, repainting and re-designing the kitchen and some of the rooms that I wasn't happy with."

"No wonder Lilly is sneaky and conniving. She's clearly been watching you too much."

"Lilly may have come to help me pick out the colours for the new house and she's already picked her room." I grin slyly at Ghost.

Ghost looked at me and I could tell his expression was strained. "How the hell did Lilly manage to keep that a secret for so long?"

"I told her it was going to be a surprise and if she told anyone I'd be mad and she wouldn't get to help me find things for the house any more. She spent  two years in a cage pretending that she was feral  like her parents. She has a great ability to keep her mouth shut."

"We could have just set her and Ben up with a house on the base, Wolf." Price interjects before Ghost can keep questioning me, and I turn to look at Price. "I know. But I wanted a house anyway and it's best to keep Lilly off the base as much as possible. We really don't need her to be found out by any of the people who work here."

"And what about things like school, Wolf," Soap asked casually. 

"And what about Ben? He should remain on site in case something happens to you or me." Shane interjected, more with curiosity than anything.

"Ben has... Contacts. He's been speaking to a few people about things like that and we think we may have a solution. He has some old colleagues who left the Australian Military science department who are still bound and under oath to reveal nothing about their understanding and knowledge in regards to the hybrid experimentation. He has managed to convince them that our needs in regards to Lilly come under those particular clauses. Information still might get leaked, but a significantly lessor chance."

"And?" Ghost prompted, arms crossed and I knew while he was impressed I'd been solving these problems already, he was irritated I hadn't told him what I'd been doing.

"We have some one willing to look after her whenever Ben is needed on base. Alternatively, she can stay in my room for the duration of while Ben is on base if Ben is required to bring her. As for her schooling, well one of the colleagues Ben knows used to be a teacher. She has retired but has been looking to do something in her downtime. She's agreed to come on as Lilly's teacher and primary baby sitter."

"And pray tell, how is she being paid?" Price asked crossing his arms expecting the answer to be that I expected the SAS to pay for it all.

"I'm paying for it sir, just like I've paid for everything for Lilly so far. I'm in the military because I want to be, not because I require the money. Besides, after Kortac split the money they got for selling us to Shaista, I am easily able to afford just about whatever Cheyanne had requested as compensation. Worst case scenario, I'd have asked Ghost to assist."

Soap looks at me with a hint of betrayal and I pat his thigh reassuringly. "Sorry Soap, but I know Ghost is just as well off and isn't doing anything with the money anyway."

Ghost huffs at me rolling his eyes. "How do you know what I'm doing with my money?"

"I've seen your bank statements Ghost." He crosses his arms at my retort narrowing his eyes at me.

"I really ought to kick you out when I'm dealing with personal matters."

"Enough." Price spoke calmly but with a tone of finality. "So, Wolf, are you telling me you have not only sorted out where to hide her, but you've also sorted out schooling?"

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