Chapter 66

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Valeria had all but disappeared. After not getting her cartel members back and finding out I had in fact not died, she'd run to hiding not wanting to deal with Alejandro and Rudy. Or perhaps she did not want to deal with Ghost. Alejandro seemed convinced that if Ghost and I were to leave she would reappear again. I sat in the briefing room observing the people around me, not really contributing to the briefing in any meaningful way. 

Instead I watched how Alejandros eyes would shift to Ghost for fleeting seconds every time they mentioned the poison that had been used on me. I saw how Rudy on the other hand was much more casual, almost dismissive of his concerns that Ghost was the reason Valeria had gone underground. What had Ale seen that Rudy hadn't. 

Rudy's eyes often sought me out, checking in to make sure I was still doing alright despite my near silence. Eyes flicking to Ghost as he spoke his own opinions on the matter and pointing out problems with theories or plans. Both men's eyes flicked to the hand Ghost kept around shoulders, fingers running through the fur at the nape of my neck, only moving if he shifted forward to point something out, returning with an unhurried ease. 

I could sense the curiosity bubbling between both men, eager to understand the relationship between us better. Alejandros eyes often flicking from the jumper with Soaps name and rank on it that I wore in the frigid air-conditioned room to Ghosts fingers splayed possessively over my frame. 

If Ghost noticed the furtive glances he didn't seem to care about it as I sensed nothing from him except irritation over Valeria disappearing from under our noses. I'd stopped paying attention to the words that were being thrown around, the conversation just milling in circles. The scents in the room were giving me significantly more information than the conversation would have. There were a few men that Alejandro and Rudy had bought in to assist and provide additional information or advice. Men the pair trusted enough to have on board for this discussion.

It was them who I paid attention too most. When eyes got caught looking at me for too long turned away with a soft flush creeping up their necks. Their scents lingered with jealousy as they watched Ghosts hand play absently with my fur keeping him tethered to the conversation without letting his anger explode like he normally would have. A baring of teeth had them glancing away quickly at the impled threat. The men grew more nervous as the meeting went on, suspecting I was monitoring them all closely. If they knew just how closely I was keeping an eye on them, they'd have been much more nervous.

One in particular kept fidgeting nervously every time my eyes swept over the group. His scent was up and down as his eyes roved over Ghost, Ale and Rudy. His eyes caught Ghost more often than not. He seemed shady as hell. I pulled out my phone casually, knowing Ghosts attention would be caught by my blatant disregard for protocol. I sent off a quick text to him, phone under the table pretending to play games and ignore the briefing. Ghost took a quick glance at the message I'd sent him, his eyes flicking to the man in question and squeezed my neck in understanding without any other indication of the silent communication between us. 

I continue pretending to play a game on my phone, eyes, ears and nose discretely keeping an eye on the group of men, more confident now that my attention was seemingly elsewhere. Rudy and Ale were unimpressed my focus was no longer on the briefing, but without Ghost admonishing me, they let it go.

When the briefing was over, Ghost asked Rudy and Ale to stay behind to discuss something confidential with him. He waited until the door closed and looked at me. I shook my head. I slipped out of the chair, and crossed casually, opening the door to see one of the soldiers skulking around in the hallway. I leaned up against the doorfram, arms crossed teeth bared. Almost a mini imitation of Ghost. The man turned with muttered apologies in Spanish and left the area as quickly as he could manage without running from me. 

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